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I nod my head again and the Hunter nods as he grabs my wrist and drags me out of my apartment. I tried to dig my heels into the floor to try and stop him, but it wasn't working. It was like I weighed nothing in comparison to him and it bothered me.

"You're lucky we don't have to search you for any zombie bites. Not that one would be near this place anyways as the horde is a good 100 miles away."

As the Hunter talks I look around me to try and find any escape route, but every room was filled with a Hunter and all the exits and entrances were being guarded by the Hunters. I was out of my element and nothing would save me.

"I'm guessing this apartment was abandoned not that long ago?"

The Hunter looks at me in the corner of his eye and I nod my head. I just wanted him to stop talking, his voice was hurting my brain and his hand on my wrist wasn't helping anything as it made my skin itch. It felt like bugs were crawling underneath my skin and it was driving me insane. But, I didn't do anything as I let the Hunter drag me out of the apartment building.

"Have you been anywhere recently besides the apartment building?"

I shake my head as the Hunter grabs out a pair of keys and unlocks the truck as he opens the door and throws me into the back seat. I quickly get up as I watch the Hunter walk back into the apartment and I take a deep breath. Telling lies was easier when you couldn't speak.

I look down at the car door and I look at it blankly for a few seconds before realizing it was unlocked and I quickly race to the door as I open it and I look around hastily before getting out of the car and running away from the apartment building. My heart beats against my chest in protection as my lungs were threatening to give out, but I had to run if I wanted to get away from the Hunters. I had to leave.


The familiar voice of the Hunter, who left me in the car, rings in the air and it panics me more as I try and run faster knowing I wouldn't be able to outrun him. I clench my fists as I run in a zig-zag pattern and I enter the city that my apartment building borders. I knew all the secret ins-and-outs of this city and so I quickly dashed into the first alleyway I saw and I continued to run through the alleyway until I was out of it. I opened my mouth in exhaustion but I knew better than to stop so once I reached the small river I threw myself into the river water. My bones shook with how cold the water was, but I had to keep pushing forward. I forced myself to swim down the river into the mouth of the sewage system. Once I was in the sewage system I quickly shove myself in a hole that had fit my body and I curled into myself as I could hear a loud thud of rubber souls hitting the concrete ground of the sewage system. I cover my mouth in anticipation.

"C'mon out kid! What are you hiding for? You were bitten? I could help you, just tell me what you want." 

A Far Leap Into the Fog: short storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ