echoes of ignorance

13 1 0

I can still hear you.

Despite your attempts to conceal the hate you spew,

I can still hear you.

You are my night terrors.

Growing stronger and stronger

with every wake.

And I can still hear you,

coming down the tainted halls, followed by a black mirage.

And I can see you.

Attacking the hurt.

Applauding the pain.

All while you think you are brave.

Thrown across the wall

because I'm not brave at all.

I can still hear you.

in my sleeping wake.

But is it worse

to finnaly face the day?

Because I can still hear your

whispers in the halls.

And the laughter of passers by,

the overwhelming sigh,

of trying not to cry.

I'm falling apart,

and you can see that,

you can feel that.

You feed on it.

And I can hear you.

Over the bell,

this dizzy spell.

Having to face the day,

despite my broken dismay.

The creaking halls,

the viloent fall.

The prying eyes,

they can see,

but they do not feel.

Why can't they feel?

Alone yet,

I can still hear you.

Haunting words,

creating a world of hurt.

These red lines,

repeating the lies.


I'm fine.

I'm alright.

I'm not dying,

but you'll see

with time.


How my mind,

is no longer fine.

How my mind,

corrupted by your lines.

My mind,

can still hear you.

I can still hear you.

And the passers walk by,

as the victims are left behind.

The insults remain,

echoing against these polluted walls.

Scattered across the

heavy hearts of those who remain silent.

I remain silent.

Thoughts hidden beneath years of pain.

I can still hear you.

And I'm sick of your games. 

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