the best roommate i've ever had.

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"minho? what are you doing here? looking awful" felix says.

"I'm not here to see you, I came to see jisung"

"hell to the no!" jennie stands up. "he comes home all upset and heartbroken because of you and I'm not letting him go through it again!"

"jennie please—"

"no! you wanted to leave remember!? just go away!"

"I couldn't do it..." minho looks down.

"couldn't do what?"

"leave..." he looks back up. "I look like this because I ran here, I ran for over 3 miles"

"why the hell did you do that?" jennie asks.

"I jumped out of kyungjae's van. I ran... and I ran... I didn't care..." minho's eyes start tearing up. "because... I needed to come back... I needed to be with jisung"

"bullshit" jennie says.

"it's not bullshit! I really mean it this time when I say that I love you jisung" minho looks at jisung who tried to avoid him.

"when me and your uncle teamed up, yeah it was fake at first but... the moment I saw you get on that plane... I couldn't help but fall in love with you. you're the most special person in the world. I love you... so much..." he starts crying. "you make me laugh with your jokes, you're always staying by my side... you cared for me more than anyone ever has, and I love you more than anyone has ever loved someone, you're my favorite person in the whole world

you make me so happy jisung... I've been through so much as a child and when I finally got here I was able to find you... my everything... my whole world. I'm so so sorry jisung I really am" he keeps crying. "I know you probably don't believe me but I want you to try and believe me because I could never make this up on the spot. I really love you jisung... I'll never hurt you again like that I could never bare myself to do it!"

jisung looks down with tears in his eyes, and then goes to crying from minho's confession.

"it's hard... to trust you again" he says through his tears. "I can't be with you, or even be around you"

jisung leaves the room as minho falls to the floor in despair as the cries keep coming out.

"I love you more than anything else in the world please!" minho yells out. "please!"

"just face it you do this yourself"

"shut up jennie this doesn't concern you!" minho looks at her. "this is between me and him!"

"but when my best friend is heartbroken I can't just sit there and let him be like that!"

"YOU REALLY THINK I WANTED TO BE LIKE THIS!?" he looks down and cries. "I'm a monster... I'm... a terrible person. I should've went to jail"

"no you shouldn't have went to jail" jennie says. "but you should know that it's gonna be super hard for jisung to trust you again"

"I know that! I just want to be around him because he's the best thing that's ever happened to me! I love him too much to leave..."

jisung slowly walks in the room.

"jisung" jennie looks at him, but he just looks at minho.

"you mean everything you said?"

"every single thing" minho says while tears still fall down his cheeks. "I'm really sorry jisung I wish you knew how sorry I am"

"I know" jisung walks closer to him.


"I know how sorry you are, I can see it in your red eyes, everything you said to me... couldn't be made up like that, I feel the same way"

"you do?"

"I've always loved you" jisung caresses minho's cheek. "I'll always love you"

"I promise that I'll never hurt you again"

"I believe you"

"really?" jisung nods.

they're both staring into each other's eyes, until jisung breaks it but wrapping his arms around him tight.

"I love you so much" minho says.

"I know, I know" felix and jennie leave so they can have their moment together.

they eventually let go, they look into each other's eyes again before sharing their first kiss since the whole situation.

"I kept this..." minho takes the ring out of his pocket. "because I hoped one day I could put this on your finger again"

"well what are you waiting for?" jisung says and minho smiles before putting the ring on his finger.

they hug again before the others come back in, rosé and chan joined as well.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" jennie smiles then stops. "don't hurt him again or I'll kill you got it?"

"I'll never hurt him again, he means so much to me I couldn't bare to lose him" minho holds jisung's hand and looks at him.

he never went back on his word, he never hurt him again.

they started off as roommates, but then became more as they got closer.

my not so innocent roommate.

my not so innocent roommate. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now