Is this a date?

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Todoroki stood before the dorm room door, staring at it. His hand was raised, ready to knock, but his doubt kept him from putting knuckles to wood.

Was he really ready? Could he protect Midoriya from his father if the pro were to find out? He began to lower his hand as the darker thoughts drowned out his hope.

He glanced at the tickets to the hero museum in his grasp and sighed. He should just leave this for Midoriya to take a friend.

As he crouched down, he failed to notice Uraraka stolling the hall behind him. His only warning was her giggle as she leaned over, knocked on the door and fled.

"Wha-" Todoroki started as the door opened. He felt gist face heat up as Midoriya stood there in a tee shirt and shorts.

"Hey, Shoto. Did you need something?" The green haired teen asked.

Todoroki stood, feeling his nerves swell up again. "I...I wanted to give these to you."

Midoriya blinked and looked at the tickets extended towards him. "No way! I heard these were sold out! I'd love to go with you!"

Todoroki felt as if his fire quirk had activated and swallowed hard. "I did not mean that you had to go with me. I am just as happy if you-"

His voice froze when a scarred hand gently set itself on his.

"Shoto, don't be like that. I told you I was fine if you just wanted to be friends," Midoriya said, his face bright with a smile. "Besides, I remember you said that you didn't get to go to these things as a come enjoy it with me. As friends."

Todoroki felt himself nod as Midoriya took one of the tickets. "I'll meet you at the gates at noon, if that's okay?"

Todoroki nodded to the question and turned to walk away. Maybe this wouldn't be too bad.

The time seemed to creep by for the heterochromatic boy. He struggled to pick out an outfit but couldn't figure out why. Perhaps it was because he had never been to this sort of thing. He finally settled on a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt that his brother had given him for some American band.

He stood, ticket in hand as he waited for Midoriya by the gates. In the distance he heard the green eyed boy laughing with Uraraka as he walked towards the entrance. Todoroki smiled as he watched the pair. Midoriya was animated as he talked and Todoroki had to admit he looked nice in the dark green shirt and jeans.

"Have fun on your date," Uraraka sang as she turned and hurried off.

"Hey! I told you it's not a date!" The teen shouted back, not having noticed his hesitant soulmate. "I'm not pushing it!"

Todoroki smiled. "I appreciate that, Izuku."

Midoriya jumped and turned, cheeks stained red. "Uh...sorry about her. She's just happy Kacchan turned out not to be my soulmate after all." He looked down, feeling stupid for saying what he'd said.

This time Todoroki chose to give comfort. He reach out and set a warm hand on Midoriya's shoulder. "I mean it. I truly appreciate you're understanding of my situation. "

The green haired teen beamed. "Great! Now that the embarrassment is out of the way, let's go have fun! I brought a little money with me so-"

"I am paying for everything," Todoroki countered. "I have my dad's credit card. He owes you for what he said after the last few months."

Midoriya stared in shock then started to laugh. "Aww man! I know a few others who would love to get this treatment."

Todoroki frowned. "Should I try to get more tickets? I am not sure I can..." he secretly knew he didn't want to share his friend today.

"That's not what I meant," Midoriya assured, waving his hands. "Just that a lot of the class sees your dad as a garbage fire for what he did to you."

The heterchromatic teen blinked in surprise. "Really?"

Midoriya nodded. He started walking through the gates. "Shall we go max out that card?"

Todoroki nodded, falling in step with his peer. They chatted about different heroes as they walked to the convention. Midoriya was in his fanboy glory as they waited in line to get in and a few others joined the conversation.

Todoroki felt himself smiling at how energized his soulmate had become. He froze as he realized that he had just called him his soulmate in his head. Was he really ready to see Midoriya as his other half?

Once inside, the green eyed boy insisted that they do everything Todoroki wanted, which the other teen only agreed to if he would be allowed to buy whatever Midoriya wanted. The agreement reached, they moved through the halls, losing themselves in hero worship.

Hours later, as they were leaving, there was a slight commotion outside. Stopping to find out what was going on, Todoroki sneered. "Father."

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