Everything about Minji disgusted you. "Well then I'm happy for you both." Jimin said smiling. You relaxed completely in his arms and sighed relieved. You weren't sure how things would work if you had to help Anna raise a baby, but you didn't hesitate to offer to help. You loved Anna like a sister. You would have done anything for her.

"Let's celebrate," Jimin said and pushed you towards his wall and trapped you against it. He pressed his lips against yours furiously and then kissed down to your neck and attacked it next. 

"Jiminieee," you whined. He pulled back to look at you, his eyebrows wrinkled. "Not here," you made a face at him and jerked your head towards the door. "Aish, you're right," he said and giggled. "You're too loud anyway," he teased and poked the tip of your nose. You swung your fist at him, pretending you were going to punch him. "I'm the loud one, huh?"


You pushed on his chest, making him walk backwards and when his heels hit the bed, you shoved him down on it. You pressed on his chest again and forced him to lie down. You unbuckled his belt and ripped it out through the loops of his jeans. You then went to unbutton his jeans and moved down the zipper. "What are you doing?" Jimin asked, biting his bottom lip, knowing good and well what you were going to do. "What do you think?"

You pushed his jeans down to his thighs and rubbed on him through his boxers, he was already halfway hard. You pulled his boxers down to his thighs and grabbed onto him. "You try to be quiet then," you said deviously and placed his head in your mouth. You licked around on it and Jimin was making soft grunts.

Moving your hand up and down on the bottom half while the top half was in your mouth, you began to suck on him. He let out a moan and covered his mouth with his hands. "Shhh," you said and shoved him back into your mouth. You began to suck harder, using as much suction as your mouth could handle. Jimin reached for one of his pillows and held it over his face. His whole body was jerking and twitching around. He was having so much trouble sitting still.

You kept this up for a few minutes and it seemed like he was already close. So you started jerking him up and down quickly while licking and sucking on the head only. Soon after you did that he released into your mouth, and he let out a muffled deep moan underneath the pillow. You swallowed it and wiped your mouth. You let go of him and let him flop against his stomach. Jimin held the pillow over his face a bit longer, trying to catch his breath.

****************18+ over****************

Jimin threw the pillow back to its place. "Wow, whew," he said, trying to steady his breathing. "I wasn't ready for that," he said laughing. He pulled up his pants and reached for his belt on the floor. You giggled, he seemed weak. "Not so easy, is it?" You teased him and he shook his head. "No, but it was hot," he said and gave you a naughty smirk.

Grabbing your hand and holding it, Jimin led you back outside in the hallway of the dorms. Jimin stopped walking when he came across Suga. He looked at Jimin, your hands and then at you. "Finally got someone to tolerate you?" Suga asked sarcastically. Jimin laughed and smacked his arms playfully. 

"I could say the same for you and your girlfriend," Jimin fired back. Suga rolled his eyes, then looked at you "Welcome to our weird family," he laughed his breathy laugh and walked away. "Nice to meet you!" You called after him and he waved his hand above his head but didn't turn around.

J-Hope entered the living room and saw the two of you, he stopped dead in his tracks. Confused that there was a stranger in their dorms. "My, who's this pretty lady?" J-Hope walked over to you both and gave you a big, bright smile. 

"You must be J-Hope," you said smiling back at him, bowing slightly. "I am, in the flesh." He smiled and you couldn't help but stare at that bright smile, it was like staring into the sun. You introduced yourself and Jimin added after you, "My girlfriend." J-Hope clapped his hands together happily, "Well good! Stay for dinner," he said to you and then walked off.

Jimin turned to you. "Do you want to stay for dinner?" You shrugged, "I don't see any harm in that." He smiled, happy that you decided to stick around. You heard Jin yell from the kitchen, "Yoongi-ah! Get back here, we need to start cooking!" You giggled.

Suddenly someone was behind you and grabbed your free hand. You turned around quickly, dropping Jimin's hand and met eyes with Taehyung. You looked up at him confused. Jimin looked back and saw Tae standing there. 

"Can I steal her for a moment?" He asked in his soft, deep voice. Jimin squinted at him, "okay, but don't be gone long." Taehyung smiled his box smile and pulled you along with him. You panicked, watching Jimin disappear into the kitchen, you felt very alone. You didn't know this man and you were surprised Jimin released you to him.

He pulled you into his room and shut the door, now you got very nervous. "Don't look so terrified, I would never hurt you." Taehyung looked down, sad that you were afraid of him. You fixed your face. 

"What do you want?" You asked defensively. Tae swallowed, "Do you love Jiminie?" You looked at him confused but answered none the less. "Yes," you said confident, no doubt in your mind. He smiled, "Good, I'm pretty sure he loves you if he's having you meet us." You looked at him surprised.

"He has never brought a girl to our dorms like this, it's very new to us all. Excuse some of the members if they seem surprised or act weird." You continued to stare at him. His big eyes fixed on you. "I just don't want Jimin to get hurt," Taehyung said, his face wavering a bit. 

"I don't plan on it. He told me about how he's been betrayed in the past. I don't intend to ever hurt him." Taehyung smiled now, relieved to hear you say that. "I'm glad to hear that, he's my best friend, so I look after him." You smiled finally understanding what this private meeting was about. It was very sweet.

"I'd like us to be closer Taehyung, you're important to Jimin, so I want to welcome you into my life." He smiled and pulled you quickly into a hug. Your arms pinned to your side, you giggled. Jimin was then banging on the door. 

"Why is she giggling?! What's going on in there?" Tae jerked open the door, laughing evilly. "I stole her, she's mine now!" Jimin looked at you shocked, and you laughed, shaking your head denying this claim. "She's lying!" Tae yelled and planted a kiss on your cheek to prove it. You looked at him, mouth wide open and held onto your cheek. Jimin got mad and slapped Taehyung a few times. Tae only giggled and walked away. 


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