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"Anna!" You busted through the front door. She was walking out of the bathroom, toweling her wet hair. "Yes!?" You ran up to her and quickly informed her of the situation. "He wants to talk more next time we run into each other!" You were so excited you couldn't sit still. You were practically hopping up and down. Anna held you down by the shoulders. "Calm down girl, dang." You blush slightly. You were acting a little ridiculous. It's not like he right out hit on you or something. You were getting ahead of yourself. It was hard not to be a little hopeful with someone so stunning.

"He caught me looking at his butt though." You looked down at the carpet, feeling ashamed. "Was it a nice one?" Anna giggled. You nodded. "The funny thing is, he winked at me and told me he hoped I liked what I saw!" Anna laughed heartily. "He knows he's hot, and that makes him hotter." You agreed with her and went into your room to work on your paper. You knew Anna would gripe at you soon about it if you didn't.

After writing a few more thousand words, you were almost at the word count mark minimum for the paper. You smiled as you read your favorite paragraph from the paper. 'Is destiny real? Who is to truly know? Do you feel an invisible pull to drag you to certain places and meet certain people? Were all of our futures pre-determined. Who is really to know? All we know is we live our lives day in and day out, thinking we make our own decisions, but who really knows.'

It was an interesting piece, very philosophical. You had hoped you would receive a good grade. You let out a deep sigh as you closed the laptop. It was seven at night, you needed to get some dinner. Anna was throwing together some food in the kitchen and you walked in to steal some. It smelled heavenly around the apartment. After having a full belly, you decided to get into bed.

You laid in bed thinking of the days that you saw Jimin on, it seemed he would pop up on Mondays and Wednesdays. So you would attend the coffee shop this Wednesday and hope to see him. You were ready to get to know him more. He seemed to radiate confidence, up until you asked him to sing. Which was confusing because his voice was phenomenal.

The alarm blared on your phone, it was Wednesday, you leapt out of bed. Excited to meet with Jimin, hopefully that is. You took a quick shower and picked out a cute outfit. Curled your hair, added some makeup and perfume. You seemed as if you were going all out, but why not? It's not like he wasn't worth it.

You arrived at your favorite coffee spot and walked in. Ordering your normal order and added a few donuts to it. You'd share a donut with him if he showed up. You were really hoping he was going to show up. You were starting to get worried; he usually came around fifteen after. It was twenty after now and your heart was beginning to sink.

DING, the front door swung open, and your eyes shot up to see who it was. It wasn't Jimin. It was another man; he was smiling a gigantic smile. He had an amazing smile and had unique features and was quite handsome like the others. He radiated a happy aura, and it was contagious. He walked up to the counter. "Gooood morning!" He sang to the cashier, and she handed him a cupholder full of five coffees this time. You titled your head in confusion, 'not six?' "Have an amazing day!" He said to her and headed for the door.

Just then, the door opened again, there he was. Jimin. He thanked the guy who was leaving. "Thanks hyung, I'm going to hang out here for a bit!" "Bye Jiminie!" The man leaving sang to him and went out the door with the coffees. Jimin held up one finger to the cashier, signaling for her to make him his usual. He walked over to you, he looked so handsome.

                "Well, hello there

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"Well, hello there." Jimin smiled as he sat down at your table. "Hi." You breathed out; he had a way of taking your breath away. "No laptop today?" Jimin asked looking at your empty table. Only your phone was sitting on it. "No, I finished my paper finally!" You informed him with a soft smile. 

The barista brought over Jimin's coffee to him, and he thanked her. She looked at you now, almost disgusted. You were taken aback by this face. 'Why did she look at me like that? Was she jealous because he's talking to me?'  You were trying to figure out the lady in your head. But Jimin spoke up and woke you up. "Did you get your grade on your paper yet?" You shook your head, you just submitted it this morning. "I hope I pass, I turned it in today." Jimin nodded and looked outside.

"Tell me about your paper." He asked nicely, offering a sweet eye smile. "Well it's about destiny. It was really a philosophical piece. About whether or not we really govern our own lives. If all the events in our lives are pre-determined. How would we really know for sure." You got quiet after you explained it. You were talking too much. Jimin smiled at you. "You seem like a deep person. You'd get along with my hyung, Namjoon." You didn't know who that was, so you shook it off.

"Do you go to school?" You asked him, wondering. He didn't look like a typical college kid. He dressed too nicely, almost as if he was a model. You wouldn't be surprised. "I used to attend a dance school." He admitted. You widened your eyes in surprise. 

"What? You dance too Jimin?" You quickly scanned his body. Yep, that was definitely a dancer's body. It all made sense now. His posture, confidence and just the overall presence he had. Jimin nodded, grinning at your expression. "Yes, for contemporary." Your eyes were more shocked now. "Contemporary? That's beautiful!" You were honestly so impressed at him at this very moment.

"You sing, you dance, how are you not famous yet Jimin?" You were genuinely asking. He seemed very amused at this question. He wobbled from side to side, laughing so hard and clapping his hands. You wondered what was so funny. 

"Do you not know..." Jimin started to say but a smirk came to his face. "Never mind." He said and you let it go. You raised an eyebrow as he finally finished laughing. You didn't seem to mind, his laugh was so sweet sounding, you were just confused at why he was laughing.

You placed your hand quickly on top of his, to pat it, then removed it. "You have a really nice smile." You confessed to him, feeling bashful that you were just so forward. "I know." He responded, showing off his white smile again. You scoffed quietly. 'He is definitely aware of how gorgeous he is.'  You thought, but you weren't bothered by it. How could he not know? He probably had such an effect on everyone he met.

You talked a bit longer, a little less awkward now. He asked you more about college and your family. You told Jimin about your big brother, your single mom, and your roommate. Soon it had been an hour, it flew by. Jimin's presence was just so intoxicating. You got swept up in the moment. 

Jimin's phone dinged, and he pulled it out and read the message. "I'm afraid I have to go." He gave you a sad twitch of the corner of his mouth. "Oh okay." You said, sounding just as sad. You were mentally preparing yourself, 'Be a big girl, give him your number. Don't be a coward. You'll never know your chances if you don't try.'  You were quoting Anna now.

Jimin stood up and fixed his jacket. "Can I give you my number?" You managed to say, almost too quietly, but he had heard you all the same. He stared at you for a second, and you felt self-conscious. "I mean, I don't know if you're single, but I like your company." You were avoiding his gaze at the moment, but you could tell he was staring right through your soul. 

"Sure, gimme." He said sweetly, showing off his eye smile once more. You looked up at him shocked. You quickly read off your numbers as he put it in his phone. "I'll text you." Jimin promised you, smirking one corner of his mouth and winking at the same time. You heart stopped at this action. 

You waved bye to him as he left the coffee shop. You looked at the cashier who was scowling at you. She was definitely jealous. But you were shaken to the core. You couldn't believe someone this beautiful would accept your number. But then you told yourself he might not even text. 'Don't get your hopes up,'  you thought. 

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