The Test

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Jimin took a deep breath. "Okay, my mother's name is Mi-jeong, my father's name is Pil-woo and I have a younger brother, his name is Ji-hyun." You smiled at him, encouraging him to go on. 

"I have two favorite colors, black and blue." He closed one eye trying to remember the other questions you shot his way. "I don't have any pets personally. And it's hard to pick a favorite band, I listen to all kinds of different music. Having a wide taste in music is what gives me an edge when making my own. I do like art, even though I don't think I'm good at drawing. And as for drinks, I like Coke and many juices."

You smiled brightly as you absorbed all the new information. Questions from then on were casually brought up as they came to mind. You asked him some things and he asked you some in return. You learned he was top of his class when it came to Contemporary dance. He told you a little bit about Busan, his hometown. Jimin mentioned that they have great festivals there and that the two of you should visit one someday soon.

"I already told you about my mom and older brother. I didn't mention my father though. He's actually in jail, he's very mentally ill and violent. I try not to talk about him too much.." You trailed off, looking off in the distance past Jimin. He picked up your hands and held them. "I'm sorry. We can change the subject." Jimin offered a sweet smile.

Then an idea popped in your head, it might have been a long shot, but you wanted to ask anyway. "Are there any videos of you dancing? I really wish to see you dance." You were leaning towards him again, in anticipation. You were hoping he would say yes. Jimin giggled to himself. There were thousands of videos, but not that you knew that. "I'll see if I can find one." Jimin said and pulled up Youtube. He had to be cautious. He found the video from 'SBS Gayo 2016' and opened it to full screen so you couldn't see the title.

He held it out for you to watch and observed your face intently. You face lit up like a firework, your eyes sparkled as you watched him dance. You gasped at the flip he did effortless and covered your mouth at his perfect landing. 

"Jimin!" You yelled, thoroughly shocked. "You dance so elegant and beautifully! It looks so fluid! You make it look so easy; dancing must be like breathing to you!" You were gushing over him. "The girls were screaming when you started dancing, you must have been the favorite. Was this some sort of competition?" You were curious, the crowd sounded like it was large. Jimin scratched his neck nervously. "Something like that." He said vaguely.

"I really hope I can see you dance someday Jimin, you dance truly marvelously." Jimin looked down at your hands that he was holding and rubbed the back of your hands with his thumbs. "There's better dancers than me." "Not that I saw." You disagreed with him immensely. 

You leaned forward and placed a sweet kiss on his soft cheek. He smirked at your action. "You're really sweet." Jimin whispered. You shook your head and jostled his hands. "No, I'm speaking the truth. I've never seen someone dance that perfectly. I can easily see why you were the top of your class!" He gave you another shy smirk.

Jimin stood up and shoved his feet back into his boots. "It's getting late, I've got to be going." You almost pouted but stopped yourself. You didn't want him to go, honestly. Something about his company is soothing. Maybe it was his soft voice that was so calming, almost like ASMR. And his smile just threw all your worries out the window. 

Jimin grabbed your hands again and pulled you up next to him. He tucked your hair behind both your ears and kissed you so softly, lovingly actually. You melted immediately. You smiled against his lips, and he then kissed the tip of your nose barely.

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