Meet the Roommate

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 After classes, Anna, and you both went straight home. You needed to start prepping for the stew. It was 3pm and Jimin was going to be at your apartment at 5pm. You also wanted to freshen up a little bit. You had gotten ready quickly this morning in preparation for classes. You wanted to change your clothes, add some curls to your long hair and put on some make up.

The apartment was smelling wonderful after the two of you had cut up the ingredients and were simmering the pork in the juices. It was about a quarter after five, and you heard your doorbell ring. Jimin must have found your place easily, he didn't call like you asked him to if he needed help finding the location.

You took a deep breath before opening the door, you smoothed down your hair and straightened your clothes. Anna witnessed your primping and giggled involuntarily. You swung the front door open and was greeted with that angelic smile. Your jaw hung at him. He looked absolutely amazing. He was wearing sunglasses, a loose beanie, a black leather jacket hung over a yellow and black plaid shirt, with black jeans and boots. You had to stop yourself from drooling.


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"Hi." You breathed out. He smiled bigger at your dazed expression. "Hey yourself." You secretly wondered to yourself if his beauty would ever NOT catch you off guard. "Come in!" You stepped out of the way, and he walked inside. You could hear him sniffing the delicious scent that was flying around the kitchen. Anna decided to hide in the kitchen a second, not to ambush him immediately.

"Did you have trouble finding the place?" You asked concerned with his lateness. Jimin took off his sunglasses and set them on a table by the door. "Nope. It smells great in here." He continued smelling the air. 

Suddenly he turned around and fixed his eyes on you. "You look great." He said looking you up and down and stepping towards you. You backed away and he gave you a smirk at your reaction. "Are you playing hard to get now?" He giggled, giving you the naughtiest smile. You swallowed a brick. 

"Ahem." Anna had made her appearance. Jimin turned around to face her and she dropped the wooden ladle she was holding. "M-my name is Anna. I-I'm her roommate and best friend." She was visibly shaken. Anna slowly took him in as he approached her and bowed. "Nice to meet you Anna." Jimin spoke to her in his honey voice and flashed his pearly whites. "You too." She squeaked out. He had very obviously made her nervous.

"Dinner is almost ready." You told Jimin, trying to distract him from Anna embarrassing herself. "Great!" He smiled brightly again. You showed him to the couch to sit and wait while you guys finished up in the kitchen. "Here's the remote, watch whatever you want." You said handing him the remote, hoping he would get comfortable. He sat on the couch and turned on the tv.

You joined Anna in the kitchen who was stirring the pot of stew. She had finished adding the rest of the components. "Girl." She said, serious as a heart attack. "You could have prepared me better." Her eyes were as wide as saucers. You giggled to yourself, trying not to draw attention to yourselves. 

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