Dinner for Jimin

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 Upon arriving home, you sat in your car a second to compose yourself. You didn't want to show Anna how much Jimin had affected you. Heck, you were ashamed about the amount of pull he had over you. Once your heart calmed down, you released the lock on your apartment door and opened it. "Heeeey," you heard Anna squeal as soon as she heard you made it back home. She ran up to you and hug you tightly. "So? Tell me everything!"

"Well, first of all, you're going to be inpatient about it, so I'll tell you up front. We kissed." Anna shrieked and hugged you again. You hugged her back and went on to tell her about your date from the start. You went over the park stroll, how you almost broke your ankle on the swings, the movie and then again ended at the climax, the kiss. She was bouncing up and down with enthusiasm.

"But." You said, and she stopped hopping around instantly. "Ji-hoon texted me while I was with Jimin. He didn't like that at all. He said he could make me forget about him. Then before he kissed me he told me to not text Ji-hoon back and that he didn't like to share." You bit your lip nervously. 

Anna's body seemed to turn into liquid. "That is so sexy! He wants you all to himself!" You scratched the top of your head, "isn't that a little...controlling though?" You shared your thoughts with her, worrying. "Only if it bothers you." Anna concluded.

You hadn't had much time to think about it. Did it bother you? It didn't seem fair to Ji-hoon, but he seemed to arrive in your life a little late, behind Jimin. Was he being controlling? Or was he just trying to convey his interest in you in the sexiest way possible? You thought back to your kiss again and you daydreamed. This man had captured so much of your attention and made you forget about the world around you without even using his hands. The only thing that connected was his lips to yours.

"It didn't really bother me, I guess I could just hang out with him a few more times. When he wasn't being devastatingly attractive, he was quite cute and fun." You smiled thinking about the swinging competition. 

"Maybe we can go on a double date, so I can get a good read on him." Anna pointed out. You nodded, that sounded like a good idea. Anna had a knack for these types of things. She could tell a lot about a person just by talking to them momentarily. Wait..what?

"You're seeing someone? Since when?!" You shouted at her, when did this happen? Anna giggled furiously. "We just started talking a little over a week ago. I didn't want to mention it until I was sure I liked him." She kind of blushed. She rarely blushed, she was always so bold and bright. She must have really liked this guy. "What's his name?" you asked. "Minji." She replied. You nodded, taking in the information. "I'll bring it up to Jimin."

You crawled in bed, it wasn't terribly late, so you decided to text Jimin. You wanted to tell him you had a good time, you wanted to encourage him to want to see you again. He was very intriguing. He had such a sweet like honey voice, he had an angel face, he was sweet and sexy, but you honestly didn't know much about him really.

"I really had fun tonight. :)" You hoped you weren't bothering him. You scrolled around on the internet while you waited patiently for him to text back.

"I'm glad. Me too."

"I hope we can do something again soon."

"Oh we will. ;)"

You blushed at the wink. Why did he make you feel so flustered? Usually men didn't do this to you. Honestly you never paid much mind to them. You kept to yourself and focused on you. You wanted to live a happy live, independence driven. How can someone love you if you didn't love yourself? You had to be happy in your own skin, so you were on a constant trip to find yourself. But Jimin brought something to life in you. It was hard to describe.

You wished him goodnight and scooted down in your bed to get comfortable. You had class early in the morning, so you needed to go to bed. You bury your thoughts about Jimin deep so you could get some rest. Soon your eyelids became heavy, and you were out like a light.

You were finishing your classes up. You received an 95% on your paper. Ji-hoon waved to you but you ran out of the classroom. You met up with Anna in the hallway who was also done with her classes. You two were talking about your classes when your phone dinged.

"So when can I see you again?" It was Jimin, your heart raced. Anna must have saw the look on your face because she stopped talking and walking. "It's Jimin." You said softly. She smiled. 

"He wants to see me again." You felt your face turn red; you just saw him. Was he that anxious? You found that hard to believe that someone like him was into you. He was definitely aware of how hot he was, how was he interested in you?

"Invite him to our apartment, I want to meet him. We can make him dinner." Anna said smiling brightly, obviously getting excited at the idea. You nodded "Okay, I'll ask him." You put your phone up to your face and started replying back to him.

"Never."  You were just joking with him.


"I'm joking, you can come to my apartment to hang out if you want."

"Ohhh really? ;)"

"I want you to meet my roommate. We can make you dinner."

"Oh." You swallowed heavy; he was disappointed? You broke out in a cold sweat. 

What was he wanting? Surely he wasn't that forward with everything? Isn't that a little quick? Did he want to sleep with you? Your face was on fire. No, surely not. He was probably just used to girls throwing themselves at him.

"Is tomorrow okay?"  He was asking, so I guess he was still interested in the idea.

"Yeah, that's fine. Any food preference?"

"I really like Kimchi-Jjigae."

"Okay. :)"

You showed Anna the text exchange. She squealed in excitement. "Let's go get the ingredients now! I can't wait to meet him." You gave her a soft smile. Deep down you were nervous. You were getting invested in Jimin and what if Anna didn't like him or vice versa?

You both visited the grocery store and picked up the ingredients you read off an internet recipe. You hoped you could make this meal approvingly. You split up to find all of what you needed. You grabbed the anchovy stock, pork belly and shoulder, gochujang, green onion, hot pepper flakes you already had at home. Anna swept up the other half of the recipe. She gathered toasted sesame oil, kimchi, kimchi brine, tofu but sugar and salt you already had a home.

Upon arriving back home you put up the groceries. You ate some quick dinner with Anna while watching tv. "He better be as gorgeous as you say, or else I'll be disappointed." Anna teasingly said. "I don't think you'll be disappointed." You sighed at the thought. Could anyone find this man unattractive? I guess we would see.

After watching your shows for a couple hours, you both got ready for bed. You had a few classes again tomorrow, then you'd be preparing Jimin's dinner. It was the least you could do since he bought your movie tickets and popcorn on the last date.

You crawled in bed and stared at your ceiling for a few minutes. You were glad Anna was going to be here. Something about being alone with Jimin in your apartment made your heart race. It definitely made you nervous. After fighting some unnecessary anxiety, you drifted off to sleep.

 After fighting some unnecessary anxiety, you drifted off to sleep

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