„What?“, he spoke, his voice deep. And in an different situation I definitely had found it sexy.

„Why are you ignoring me? We had fun and then you kissed me. And then you stormed off and avoided me.“

Fred ran a hand through his hair.

„It was a mistake, okay? I know you don’t want me, because you want that Diggory boy. So why are you making such a fuss now, huh?“

His words hit me hard. It felt as if someone squeezed my trachea shut and suddenly I felt unable to breathe. I felt a sting in my eyes and knew I was about to cry.

But under no circumstances I’ll gave him the satisfaction of seeing my cry.

„You know what? Fuck you, Fred! I thought you were my friend. And want to know something else? That Diggory boy is exactly who I need right now“. I yelled at him.

Why did I say that?

Fred looked like a lost puppy. Like a toddler who just dropped his ice cream. He looked hurt. And I was the one who caused that.
Without saying another word he turned around. I looked after him, unable to move. After a second George began to ran after Fred, calling his name.

And soon after Hermione stepped up beside me. When I looked at her, the tears that threatened to fall before, began to stream freely.

Hermione just hugged me without saying a word. A couple of minutes went by throughout I just sobbed into Hermione’s shoulder, when we heard Dumbledore’s voice.

I let go of Hermione and wiped my tears away. There’s no way I was going to miss the first task.

„I’m okay. Let’s go, yeah?“, I forced a smile and then we began to walk to the pitch.

We made our way up the stairs after we spotted Ron in the crowd. We made it just in time before a canon shot signaled the beginning.

I saw the twins sitting in the same row and unfortunately we had to pass them to get to our seats.

Fred was deep in conversation with Angelina who happened to sat beside him. I rolled my eyes at them and sat down between Hermione and George.

George nudged me with his shoulder and when I looked up at him he used his pointer finger and thumb to pull up the corners of my mouth. I forced him a fake smile that doesn’t reach my eyes whereupon he pouted.

I didn’t know how much time passed before Hermione snapped her fingers in front of my face.

„Mh?“, I looked at her and she pointed down the pitch were Harry could be seen.

Apparently I missed the performance of the other champions, including Cedric’s. Great, I’m a really good friend. I didn‘t even know if he managed to get the egg or not.

Harry successfully completed the first task. And now we’re back in the common room where everybody celebrated his victory.

I sat alone in a corner, sipping on my pumpkin juice. I didn’t feel like celebrating. I was just glad that Harry had made it without any bad injuries. After the task, I hugged him for ages and told him how proud I was.

Currently my eyes were on a specific ginger. I observed him. How his soft hair moves when he repeatedly pushed a strand out of his eyes. The little dimples on his cheeks and the wrinkles in his eyes that formed when he laughed.

I felt terrible about what I had said to him. And I’m scared that I really had lost him forever. Just as I had gathered all my courage and wanted to approach him, Angelina came up to him. He leaned down to her and she whispered something in his ear. Then he nodded and followed her up the boys dormitories.

Semper  - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now