Chapter 23

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TW: Suicide/ death of main character

Keith's POV

I woke up alone in the medical room. My omega was hurting. I had failed. My babies died and I couldn't protect them. It should have been me. I looked over and saw a scalpel sitting on a medical try across the room.

I got up from the cot I had been lying on and cross the room to the medical tray. I picked up the scalpel and brought it to my wrist, wishing the pain would end.

I was startled out of my thoughts by a loud crash behind me. I quickly put the scalpel down and turned around to see what caused the crash. It was Lance.

"Keith? Baby, what are you doing over there?" Lance starts to walk over to me and I scramble away. He gives me a hurt expression, then lifts his hands up in surrender.

I look at him with an apology in clear in my eyes and turn around again, hugging my now empty stomach. "Y-you should go, Lance. I-I want to be alone right now." I hear him walk over to me and he wraps his arms around me.

"You shouldn't be alone, baby. Especially now. You might..." He trails off and I turn around to face him. I set my eyes on his with a glare.

"I might what, Lance? What could I possibly do that would be so terrible?" I snapped at him. I knew, rationally, that he was right, but I wasn't going to admit that.

"kill yourself." Lance whispers.

"Say that a bit louder, I didn't hear you."

"I said you might kill yourself!" Lance said.

"Lance, do you really think that little of me? Do you really think I would do that?!" Of course, he was right. If he hadn't walked in, I probably would have. I still am.

"No, Keith. But grief makes people do stupid things." He says, cupping my cheek with his hand. I leaned into the touch.

"Lance...I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what, Love?" I leaned up to give him one last kiss.

"Nothing. I just...I'd still like to be alone right now. I promise I won't do anything; I just need a moment alone." I lied. Lance searched my eyes and, finding nothing, he reluctantly agreed.

"Alright. I'll go get you some water, okay? You're probably thirsty." I nodded and he hesitantly removed his hand from my cheek. He placed a small kiss to my forehead and left.

I quickly turned around and picked the scalpel up again. I brought it to my wrist and pressed down, slowly applying more and more pressure until a line of blood rolled down my arm.

I cut across the vein and did the same to the other wrist. I knew this wasn't the solution, but it was all I could think of to see my babies again. I was a failure as a mother and an omega.

Everything started to turn black and I was finally numb. I felt myself falling to the floor and I felt my head knock against the stone floor. After that, everything was dead silent.

A few seconds later, I opened my eyes and saw a bright light. I saw my mother and father waving to me in front of that light, but soon froze as I heard a voice. I couldn't pin-point it, so I turned back to my parents and ran over to them, ending in an embrace. I was finally with them and I was finally at peace.

Lance's POV

I reluctantly went to get some water when I ran into Shiro.

"Lance? What are you doing? You're supposed to be with Keith."

"I was. I'm going to get him some water—" I was interrupted from a loud crash from inside the medical room. I looked at Shiro who shared the same thought I did. Keith.

Shiro and I ran to the medical room and threw the doors open.

There, lying on the floor in a puddle of blood, was Keith. Next to him lies a scalpel with fresh blood on the blade.

I tear up, knowing this was going to happen.

"I knew this was going to happen! Why did I let him be alone?!" I cried, running to the lifeless body of my boyfriend.

"Keith, come on. Come on, baby. Don't do this to me! You can't leave me! Not like this! Please!" I yell. Shiro wraps his arms around my chest, pulling me away from Keith.

"KOLIVAN!!" He shouts.

"Yes, your—" Kolivan freezes at the sight of Keith's body on the floor. He immediately runs over to him and checks his for a pulse.

Kolivan shakes his head, somberly standing up and facing Shiro and I.

"I'm sorry, your highnesses. He's gone. His head split when it hit the floor. That, doubled with his veins being slit, there is nothing we can do."

I cry out in anger. Anger at who? I'm not certain. Maybe at myself for believing Keith. Maybe at Keith for lying to me. Maybe at Lotor because he caused all of this.

That final thought was what brought me over the edge. I stormed past Shiro and out of the castle. I was going to finish this. Even if it kills me.

Shiro caught up to me and grabbed my arm.

"Let go, Shiro. I'm going to finish this. Once and for all." I said angrily, struggling to get out of Shiro's grip. Shiro just held tighter.

"Lance. Doing this won't bring him back. You must know that."

"I know, Shiro! I just...I can't deal with the thought of the one I loved the most is dead because of that...that monster!"

Shiro nodded. "I know. But we need to give Keith a proper burial. Don't dishonor his memory by going after the one he always said not to." He said wisely. I looked up at him, fresh tears falling down my face, and nodded.

"Alright. Yeah. Let's give him a burial." I said, wiping my face. Shiro gave me a somber smile and nodded, heading back inside with me right behind him.


"We put Keith in a red boat filled with silks the same color of his eyes. We had Pidge make him a flower crown and drifted him out into the river behind the castle." Lance says. He is now sixty and was never married. He gave his rule over Altea over to Hunk who married a serving girl named Shay. They had two children, one of which Hunk named after his friend.

Pidge went on to finding her brother, Matt, and became the greatest mind known to man at the tender age of twenty.

Shiro found a husband named Adam and they adopted two young boys whom they named Allan and Yorak.

Lance now tells stories of his adventures with his friends, exaggerating some of the details.

See, every good story doesn't have to have a happy ending. Or a happy beginning. It doesn't have to be true or fake. All that matters is, if someone comes around and reads it and believes that it is true. That is what makes it a great story.

Hey guys! I know! We've come a very, very long way, huh? This is the end of Romeo and Juliet. There will be no sequel. I had fun writing this story for you guys, but this is where we part ways. If you would like, go read my other stories or stay in touch with me. I never imagined that this was where this story would go, but I lost interest in it and wanted to do something to finish it. I'm sorry if this isn't what you guys wanted, but I couldn't really think of anything else to use for it. Goodbye everyone, I hope you enjoyed the story and have a great life.

Romeo and Juliet~Klance {Completed}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ