Chapter 2

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Katie (Pidge): age fourteen

Lance: age sixteen

Hunk: age fifteen

Keith: age thirteen

Allura: age twenty-one

Shiro: age thirty-three

Coran: age forty-three(deceased)

Lotor: age twenty-four

Keith's POV:

It has been eight years since I last saw Lance. I have been waiting in the garden from the time I wake up to the time Katie, who now goes by Pidge, tells me to come inside, which is usually around nine o'clock at night. No one knows I do this, other than Pidge, who tells me when Shiro is looking for me. Today was different though, Pidge hadn't come to tell me Shiro was looking for me.

I was sitting in the garden, contemplating if I should just give up on Lance, when I heard a Pidge scream. "KEITH! YOUR BROTHER IS SICK COME QUICK!" I turned around to face her. "What?!" I shouted, sprinting over to where she stood in the doorway. "Your brother, Keith. He's come down with something. None of the doctors know what happened. They say he was poisoned." Pidge said, pulling on my arm and leading me to my brother's room. We burst into the room and I ran straight for Shiro. "Prince Keith! You should not be this close to him." One of the doctors said, trying to pull me from my brother. "NO! I won't leave him! He's the only family I have left!" I screamed. "We do not know what is wrong with your brother. We believe he has been poisoned, but we do not know what the poison is." Another doctor said, trying to calm me down.

I shook my head. I looked at Pidge with my arm extended and she nodded, taking my hand and leading me out of the door, back to the garden. "Keith, I'm sorry about your brother." She said. I just shook my head. "Pidge, other than you, he's the only family I have left. I haven't presented yet, but I think I'm going to be an omega, Pidge. You know how the kingdom is about omega leaders who aren't mated, and if Shiro dies, what's going to happen to the kingdom?" I cried into her shoulder. "Keith, I know. It will be okay. Your brother will be okay, I just know it." She said, rubbing her hand through my hair. "But Pidge, what if he doesn't? What if I'm forced to mate with Lotor? Shiro and his father have already said that I have to marry him, no matter what I present as. Shiro says I'm going to be a beta, but I know I'm going to present as an omega, Pidge, I just know it!"

Pidge patted my head. "Keith, do you remember what happened the night of your fifth birthday? What you said to me after the McClains and Hunk left?" I shook my head. "You told me that you felt something for Prince Lance. Well, I did some digging because it popped up a few days ago in my mind, and guess what I found out." She said in a teasing tone. "What?" I asked. "You and Lance. You two are soulmates. That means Lance can feel how you are feeling right now. I told someone to contact his kingdom when we found out about your brother before I came to tell you."

I looked up at Pidge, eyes wide. "You did what?! He probably doesn't even remember me!" I told her. Pidge snickered at my face. "Well, I hope you know he's going to be here in a little bit, so I think he may have remembered you, even just a little bit." As soon as she said that, we heard a soft crunching sound in the garden. "Hello. I am Prince Lance of Altea Kingdom. I have come to see if the news about King Shiro was correct." A familiar, but deep voice said. "There he is, Keith, go say hi." Pidge whispered, turning around and pushing me in front of her. I shook my head and ran back into the castle.

Lance's POV:

I was in my castle when one of the maids came up to me. "Prince Lance, there is someone on the phone for you. She says it is urgent." I nodded and waved her off, going to my study and picking up the phone. "Hello?" I heard a shuffle of clothes and then a voice. "Hello, is this Prince Lance of Altea Kingdom?" "Yes, what was so urgent?" The person on the other end cleared her throat. "Ah, sir, I have urgent news for you. You see, my name is Axca. I have called you to inform you that King Shiro of Galra Kingdom has fallen ill and will most likely not make it." I nodded, then remembered she couldn't see me. "I see. But why have you called me? Our kingdoms are rivals, why would I need to be informed?"

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