Chapter 6

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"Katie? Where are you going?" A voice said. I looked up and saw that I had run into Shiro. "SHIRO!" I yelled, hugging him. I then remembered why I was looking for him.

"Shiro, we have to get to Keith. Lance cheated on him and now he's locked himself in the bathroom." I explained while pulling him towards the bathroom.

"Keith! Open the door!" I shouted when we got there. There was a silent "No, go away." On the other side of the door. "Keith, come on." Shiro said. The door unlocked and opened a crack. "What do you want?" Keith said. His face was red and puffy from crying. "Keith, let us in. Please?" Shiro coaxed.

Keith nodded and opened the door more so we could slip into the bathroom. Shiro immediately hugged Keith who started crying again. "Shh, it's okay baby brother. He can't hurt you anymore." Shiro said softly. Keith calmed down a little bit and pulled back. "What happened, Keith? What did Lance do?"

"Lance had a girl in his bed. He cheated on me, Shiro. I can't believe he actually cheated on me." Keith said quietly. Shiro nodded. "I told you nothing good would come out of dating that boy, Keith. Now look at what he's done to you." Shiro said sternly. "Shiro. You don't understand. He's my soulmate, and he cheated on me." Shiro looked shocked. "He's your what?"

"Soulmate. Shiro, their soulmates!" I said, tearing up. How could someone be so selfish as to cheat on their soulmate? "Where is he?" Shiro asked, looking from Keith to me, then back to Keith.

"He's in his room. Hunk's staying with him until I get back. Do you want to come with me?" I asked. "Hell yes. That boy is getting a piece of my mind. No one hurts my brother and gets away with it." I nodded and looked to Keith. "Keith, you have to come with us so Lance can see what he's actually done." I said softly. Keith nodded and stood up. "Yeah, okay. Like he would care anyway." He said, following Shiro and I.

We reached Lance's room and the door was still open. "Come on, buddy! Why are you doing this to me?" Lance whined. "Because you did something wrong and now you're getting what you deserve." Hunk said in a stern voice.

Shiro, Keith and I walked into the room, and right off the bat, Shiro punched Lance in the gut. "HEY! What was that for... oh, shit." Lance swore. "Yeah, "shit" is right you fucking asshole! What the hell is wrong with you?! What kind of person cheats on their soulmate knowing what could happen?!" Shiro seethed.

Keith hid behind his brother, trying not to be seen by Lance. Lance shrunk down. "I don't know. I thought he was cheating on me and that's why you banished us from Galra." He said, trying not to meet Shiro's eyes.

"I told you he wasn't Shiro, Lance. Why would I do something like that?" Keith spoke up, now standing next to Shiro. Lance looked into his eyes. "I don't know, Keith. I just wasn't thinking, I guess." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Obviously." I said, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms. "Keith, I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just angry that Shiro banished Hunk, Pidge and I." Lance said sadly.

"Lance, I told you it wasn't Shiro. And even if it was, I would have fought him until I didn't have to marry Lotor. I hate him." Keith said. "And even if that was me, I would never agree to let him marry my little brother with what he pulled earlier." Shiro said. Keith looked at him, scared. "Keith? What did Lotor do?" Lance asked, concern lacing his face. "Nothing, h-he didn't do anything. Shiro's just over reacting."

Shiro looked down at him. "Keith, what are you talking about? He tried to force you to be his mate!" Keith looked up at him. "Wait. Lotor did WHAT?!" Lance, Hunk and I shouted in unison. Keith looked down and nodded. "H-he smelled Lance on me and wanted to "teach me a lesson" on who I belonged to." Lance nodded and pushed past all of us. "Lance, where are you going?" Hunk asked.

"To see my sister." He said and took off down the hall.

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