Chapter 12

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Keith's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to banging in the kitchen. I looked around me, but the group was all still here. I tilted my head to the side in confusion. Who could be in the kitchen? I asked myself. I went to get up, but felt something hold me down. I looked down at me stomach and saw Lance's arm. I rolled my eyes and sighed, shifting to move his arm.

I gently touched his arm to move it, but it tightened around my waist. I huffed in annoyance. I decided to poke his face to wake him up. "Laaaance!" I whispered, poking his cheek. He groaned and tightened his grip even more. "Dammit Lance, let go of me. There's someone in the kitchen!" I whisper-yelled at him.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked up at me. "Keith, what are you talking about?" He asked. "Let go of me. I wanna go check it out." I said, looking toward the kitchen. "Check what out?" I rolled my eyes. "There's someone in the kitchen, Lance." I lifted his arm off of me and stood up. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. "Let go, I wanna see!" I said, squirming to get away from him.

"Didn't you ever hear that old saying," curiosity killed the cat"? What will you do if it's a burglar?" I huffed and rolled my eyes. "Lance, we're in the middle of nowhere. Why would there be a burglar?" I looked back at him and he shrugged. "You never know, Keith."

"I don't really care if it's a burglar. I know where the knives are, I'll be fine, now let me go!" I said. Lance sighed and finally let go of me. I quietly walked to the kitchen door and peeked around the corner. I saw a figure dressed in all black moving around in the kitchen, as if they were looking for something specific.

I walked into the room and went straight for the knives that were on the top of the fridge, but, since I'm shorter than Shiro and Nik, I had to climb on the counter, which made a lot of noise. "Shit" I whispered, looking towards the figure on the other side of the room. Somehow, it appeared they didn't hear me, so I went about getting the knives, when two arms wrapped around my waist.

I froze as I was lifted off the counter. "Look what we have here. My Omega still smelling like some other Alpha." A voice growled. I stiffened even more, if that was even possible. "W-what do you want, L-Lotor?" I asked weakly. "Oh, you know what I want, little Omega." He purred into my ear. I cringed and started struggling. "No, it's not happening. I have an Alpha and soulmate!" I said. "Well, we might just have to change that." His breath drifted over the scent glands on my neck.

I stopped struggling and froze. Is he going to mark me? What'll I do if he does? I won't be able to be around Shiro or Lance anymore if he does, he'll make sure of that. I thought. Then I screamed.

"LANCE! SHIRO! NIK! HEL-" Lotor put his hand over my mouth, but it was too late. Lance, Shiro and Nik all ran into the kitchen, along with Pidge, Hunk and Terra. When I saw Terra, I cowered away from the group, but still tried to get away from Lotor.

"Look at that. It seems Akira already has an Alpha. Maybe he was cheating on him with Lance, or was it the other way around?" Terra says, hatred clear in her voice. I whimpered and stopped struggling as I couldn't really breath, since Lotor's hand was tightly covering my nose and mouth. "Terra, enough! Shiro, Lance, help me!" Nik said, running over to where Lotor and I were. Lotor took off as soon as they started coming towards us.

He never actually put me on the ground, since he's like, seven feet tall and I'm only five seven, so I was taken with him. He wasn't super careful, so I ended up banging my head on the doorway really hard. The last thing I heard was, "Keith, we'll find you! Don't give i-" and then everything went black. 


Hey guys! So sorry this is so late and short. I got really busy with school and kind of forgot about this. Then, when I did remember it, I had no inspiration for it and actually kind of considered discontinuing it because I couldn't find any inspiration. I finally got inspired to keep writing because of klanceboy. He commented and said he liked the story, so I thought about it for a couple of minutes, and here we are.

So thank you, klanceboy for inspiring me to continue writing and thank you to everyone who reads this book for enjoying it, or giving it a shot. I know the updates aren't super consistent, but I'm going to try a little harder for y'all and hope that you still enjoy this story even when we get to the very last chapter.

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