Chapter 4

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This chapter is just going to be Keith, Shiro and Lotor. Lance, Hunk and Pidge will not make an appearance what so ever. It will also be in Keith's perspective the whole time.


After Lance, Pidge and Hunk left, I lie on my bed, thinking of a ways to prove that "Shiro" wasn't Shiro. A few minutes passed, and I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Lotor was standing over my bed with an angry expression on his face. "Why do you smell like another Alpha, Omega? Do I have to remind you who you belong to?" He growled, gripping my arm, hard. I tried to get my arm out of his grip, but it only made him tighten it. "L-Lotor, let me go." I said, still trying to get my arm out of his grip. "No, I think you need to be taught a lesson about being with other Alphas when you belong to me." Lotor dragged me up from my bed by my arm, still holding tight, and pressed me against the wall. "How should I teach you the lesson? Should I scent-mark you, so other Alphas won't go near you? Or should I mate-mark you and make sure everyone knows who you belong to?" He said, using his other hand to push my head into the wall. He came closer and bent down to my neck.

Just then, there was a loud boom that made Lotor jerk away from me. "KEITH!" Shiro yelled, coming into the room. "What were you doing to my brother, asshole?" He asks, pulling me behind him. "I was merely teaching him who he belongs to. What is it to you, anyway?" Lotor growls. "It's my business because he's my little brother, and almost half your age! He's fifteen! Also, you were trying to mark him without his consent. That is not allowed in my kingdom. I hereby banish you from ever coming here!" Shiro announced, waving his hands as four of the guards came in. The guards took Lotor out of my room and Shiro turned to me, looking around the room. Shiro's eyebrows scrunched together and he frowned. "Keith?" He asked. I looked up at him hesitantly. "Where's Katie? She should be in here, but she's not. Where is she?" He asked, worried. "Y-you banished her, r-remember?" I said, looking down so he didn't see the tears rolling down my face. "What?! I would never have done that!" Shiro exclaimed. I let out a sigh of relief. "I know. That's the problem here."

I looked at Shiro through my bangs and he looked confused. "What do you mean, Keith?" He knelt down to look me in the eyes. "What happened while I was away?" He asked. "Wait, what?" I asked, finally looking at him. "I was on a hunting trip for a few days. Did no one tell you?" I shook my head. "No. No one told me anything. But, you were here. You had to have been, because..." I trailed off, not wanting to explain what all happened for the years he was gone until now. "Keith, what happened?" He looked at me with concern in his eyes. "Y-you were planning for me to get married with Lotor. Pidge hacked into your phone and found out. Lance and Hunk snuck out to see Pidge and I, and we were messing around in my room when you came in and yelled at them, telling all of them they were banished from the kingdom, including Pidge." I said in one breath.

Shiro nodded, then gave me a confused look. "Wait, but if I've been away this whole time, how could I do any of that? And why would I try to marry you off to someone who is almost double your age?" I looked at him with a confidant smile. "That's when I decided it wasn't you. You would never banish Pidge. No matter how mad you got at her. And now, this proves my theory. I have to call Altea! Pidge would be there, she's with Lance and Hunk." I said, running to grab a phone. "Now hold on one minute, Keith. We have to find even more evidence that this impostor isn't actually me. We have to prove to them that I am not the impostor." Shiro explained. "I know how to do that perfectly! You know me better than anyone else, other than Pidge." I said excitedly. "We just have to get them here, and go to the throne room."

Shiro nodded. "Alright, but we aren't calling them. We will drive to Altea and you can speak to them in person." I nodded enthusiastically, running down the hall towards the carriages, pulling Shiro behind me. "Take us to Altea!" I told the driver, shoving Shiro in the small space. The driver nodded without question and drove off as soon as I closed the door. "So glad to have you back, your Majesty. Your impostor was rather rude." She said. "How did you know he was an impostor?" Shiro asked. "Because. You are not quite as rude as he was, no matter what happens, and I'm the one who drove Miss Katie, Mr. Hunk and Prince Lance to Altea. That was when I knew it was an impostor. Miss Katie is like a sister to you, so it made no sense as to why you would banish her for no good reason." Shiro nodded and sat back.

When we arrived in Altea, I jumped out of the carriage and ran to the castle, Shiro running after me. When I was in front of the castle, I was panting. "L-LANCE! COME HERE!" I yelled breathlessly. The door opened and since Lance wasn't the one to open it, I ran past whoever it was, saying, "Where's Prince Lance?!" The person turned around. "In his room. Down the hall, through the doors, first door on the left." They said. I nodded a thank you and started running again.


Sorry this is so late, guys. I planned to have finished this book, but I lost all ideas for it, started a new fanfiction, and got into a whole bunch of new fandoms. I also had a lot of school work to get done and completely forgot about this whole thing. I'm going to try and update my other books as soon as I can, but right now, this one is the most I can do. Once I finish it, I will definitely finish Blade of Marmora, Hunters at Hogwarts, Yullen Soulmates, and the Merlin Fairytale series. Hopefully in the order of:

1. Hunters at Hogwarts

2. Yullen Soulmates

3. Blade of Marmora

4. The Merlin Fairytale Series

This might not be the order I finish them in, but I would like to write them in this order so that I get the older ones done before the new ones.

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