Chapter 3

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Katie (Pidge): age sixteen

Lance: age eighteen

Hunk: age seventeen

Keith: age fifteen

Allura: age twenty-three

Shiro: age thirty-five


Lotor: age twenty-six


Lance's POV:

I didn't get to see Keith for two years after I found out Shiro was poisoned. Allura found out about me going to Galra Kingdom and she has stationed guards everywhere so I couldn't escape. Tonight will be different though. Tonight, I will find a way out, with Hunk and Pidge's help, of course.

Hunk came to my room and knocked on the door. I opened the door and he said, "Pidge is in the garden right now, she's figured out how to hack into the system and knows when the guards change positions. We have to go, now." I nodded and followed him out of the room. We had to hide when Pidge came onto the radio earpiece Hunk had.

Finally, we met Pidge in the garden and left Altea. When we got to the Galra Kingdom, Pidge took us to the garden, and showed me where Keith's window, that overlooked the garden, was. Pidge gave me a few small stones and said, "Throw these at his window, it'll wake him up if he's sleeping, he's a very light sleeper, and it'll get his attention." I nodded and started throwing the stones at his window. I wasn't paying much attention to the window as I was trying to see if people were coming, so I didn't see the window open.

"Ow!" A voice said above me. I stopped throwing the stones and looked up. "Oops. Sorry, Keith. I wasn't paying attention." I said, laughing a bit at his face. He was looking up, trying to see the spot the stone hit on his forehead, pouting. "Yeah, well, you should have been paying attention, stupid. Now I'm probably going to have a bruise and Shiro's going to be upset about it. Also, hi." He said, now getting ready to jump out of the window. "Hey. HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I shrieked. "Shhhh, shut up, Lance, someone will hear you. Also, what does it look like I'm doing? Don't worry, I've done this many times before." He says quietly, jumping from the window.

"Keith, what have I told you about doing that?" Pidge said as she came over. "Uh... only to do it if Shiro doesn't know about it, and won't find out about it?" He answered. Pidge walked up to him and put her arm around him. "That's my boy!" She said, laughing. Keith laughed with her. "Okay, so, what's the plan?" He asked. "Well, we were thinking about staying in the garden for a while." Hunk said. "Wait, won't you two get into trouble?" Keith asked. I looked at Hunk, then nodded. "Yeah, probably, but I don't care. If Allura has a problem with it, she should get better technology so Pidge can't hack it." I said. Pidge let go of Keith, then punched my arm. "Ow, hey!" I said. "I resent that. I am the best with technology. There hasn't been a device that I can't hack." She says, looking proud of herself.

Keith nodded. "She's right. I have yet to see a gadget Pidge has not been able to hack, and my brother has the absolute top technology. Pidge always hacks into Shiro's phone so she can tell me who he talks to and what about." Pidge looks over at him. "Yeah. Sadly, most of it is Zarkon and their talking about Keith and Lotor's marriage. Oh, that reminds me, Keith, Shiro was talking to Zarkon again today."

Keith rolled his eyes. "Shiro does realize he can't force me into marrying Lotor, no matter what he does, correct?" Pidge shook her head. "No, apparently not. He told Zarkon that he knew Lance was your soulmate as soon as he saw him in his room when we thought he had been poisoned. He said he couldn't have the son of the person who murdered your father be part of the family." Keith looked down, then back up. "Good thing I'm not blood then, huh?" We looked at him in shock. "Wait, what?" Hunk asked. Hunk and I looked at Pidge. She shook her head. "I didn't even know that. Keith, how did you find that out?" Keith shrugged. "I overheard Shiro talking to someone a few days ago. The person said, "Why are you so adamant about keeping the McClain's out of your family, when really, Keith isn't blood, he has no royal blood in him, so they wouldn't let him be king anyway." The person was your mom, Pidge, she sounded so disappointed. I'm actually kind of surprised you didn't know this, considering your mom tells you everything." Keith said.

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