Chapter 21

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Pidge's POV

After everything that's happened over the past few days, I decided Keith and Lance could use a day to themselves. I had Hunk help the chefs make the two meals for the entire day, and convinced Shiro to let Keith out of Galra for the day. I planned on them spending the day in a field a few miles outside of Galra.

Once everything was packed, I went to get the boys so that they could get ready and leave. They were asleep in Keith's bed, Keith curled into Lance with his face tucked into his neck. I pulled out my phone and snapped a quick picture of them. As cute as they looked, they couldn't sleep all day today, since I have things planned.

I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled, "KEITH! SHIRO SAID TO USE PROTECTION!" Lance fell off the bed in shock. "We weren't doing anything!" Lance shouted as Keith sat up. He looked down to the floor at Lance, then up at me, turning bright red, and let out a soft laugh. "Yeah, okay Pidge. Anyway, what do you want?" He asked. "Oh, yeah, you two are going out today, so get ready in separate rooms. Just wear something casual."

They both nodded and Lance grabbed some clothes and left the room. I walked in and closed the door so Keith could have some privacy, other than me of course. "So, where are we going?" Keith asked, going through his closet and pulling out his outfit. He walked over to the bathroom connected to his room as I said, "You'll see, just hurry up." I heard Keith groan and I smiled. "Don't worry, it's not too bad, you'll just get out of the kingdom for a little bit. Cool off from the stress from the past few days."

Keith came out of the bathroom wearing 

Keith came out of the bathroom wearing 

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"So? How do I look, hoe?" Keith asked. I snorted at the name we call each other every so often. "Like a hot, spicy cinnamon roll." Keith huffed and punched my arm. "Extra spicy." I said, laughing. Keith groaned again and rolled his eyes. He went back into his closet and pulled out his crop-top jacket, putting it on. "I only have like, maybe a month or so before I start showing, so I've gotta wear some of these before I can't anymore." He said before I could tell him to take the jacket off.

"Yeah, whatever. Come on, we gotta go. It's bad enough Lance will probably take forever, we don't need you taking half of forever to get ready." I joked, pulling him out of his room by his arm. When we got outside, there was already a carriage waiting. "Get in already, I'll go get your boyfriend." I said, shoving Keith to the carriage.

I turned around and saw Lance wearing

I turned around and saw Lance wearing

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