Chapter 23 | Frozen Hideaways

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AN : Hello everyone :)

Attempting to get back into some sort of routine today guys haha, might be looking at posting twice a week but I guess we shall see <3

Hope you are all well, I'm trying not to look at the news too much atm bc it makes me sad :(

I hope you are all staying safe and are with your loved ones <3

As always, enjoy!


TW : Bad Language, Gore and Violent Depictions and Sexual Themes

Song : Dancing Under Red Skies ~ Dermot Kennedy

"Let me tell you, no one ever got my soul right like she could
Amongst artists in heartlessness, dealing in darknesses
I know, I know
One time, nobody ever got my soul right like she could
Now I'm close to what I'm needing"

Chapter 23 | Frozen Hideaways


Oh fuck I'm going to be sick.

A hauling and a gag, she spewed all over to the side, just in time to push herself away from the spymaster who stood, by the looks of things, equally as exhausted as she.

Fuck me I don't miss that.

The uneasiness of winnowing settled within her stomach, and before she could muster up a stark sentence on the blistering cold and wind that rippled into her veins, she threw up again.

Dead of night and a blizzard that threatened to tear through their clothes and skin rumbled and flung itself into them, tousling hair and the non existent jackets they wore.

The fighting leathers, for once, were a bad choice in wear.

"I-It's..- so-o fuckk-king col-d." She barely breathed loud enough to what she hadn't even noticed to be the disappearing back of the Shadow singer.

Fucking polite.

She wasn't only being sick because of the turbulent feeling of winnowing.

The uneasiness that lay in her stomach was also from the betrayal of Ky.

He had known.

She could almost feel the ghosts of her wings attempt to wrap themselves around herself to warm her, and yet, they weren't there.

They could have if Ky had told her.

He had known.

Thoughts on Ky fucking Darrell however were pushed far back, instead, the darkness of, what seemed to be a forest was much more prominent in her thoughts.

The only way to go was to follow Azriel, lifting her feet up and ploughing them down into the heavy snow, bleary eyes trying to adjust to the heavy snowfall that now commenced.

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