"Oh! Uh," (Y/N) gently placed her envelope onto the desk, sliding it towards her boss, steering it through the paperwork scattered all over the workspace, right in front of him. He stared down at the package, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"That's... uh, rent?" She clarified, "I don't know... we didn't discuss anything like that, so, I guess... yeah, money."

William abruptly stood up, prompting (Y/N) to as well. He did not meet eyes with her, though she waited for him to, so she could decipher what he was feeling. It made her palms sweat, worrying what his reaction might be. Would he get all prissy that she dirtied his honour, or something? Picking up the envelope, he strode to the other side of the desk, sitting down on the edge to be eye-level with the sweating waitress. He handed her back her envelope, a charmed glint shining in his icy irises.

"Surely you think better of me than this, (Y/N)?"

Said woman's heart skipped a beat. William had never used her real name before. It was always endearments. So, why now? Was he extremely upset? His upturned lips and warm eyes told her otherwise, and she relaxed a little, plucking the envelope from his grasp and using it to hide the lower half of her face.

"I'd never have asked you of anything, no." He went on, holding the tense, but at the same time, not tense, stare. "I provide rather... profitably, for my family, even with you in the equation, sweetheart. Moreover, you have paid me more in ways I shall, perhaps, forever be indebted."

"I'm not sure I'm... following..."

"The kids, love." William sighed, his lips stretching into a reminiscing smile. "Micheal wasn't lying when he said you made a big difference. It's only been a week and yet... ah, you've had such an impact. They've never been happier, or so joyous before. This is the most excited I've seen them ever since..." He trailed off, evidently hesitant to finish his statement.

Fortunately, (Y/N) noticed it and saved him, replying, "Thanks Mr Afton—ah, uh, William! I'll keep them happy as long as I can." She promised, tearing away from the stare-off to focus on the box of toys in the corner of the office, thinking of the children.

"They're... really amazing kids, too!" She cooed, lowering the envelope to rub her cheeks, that had begun to dully ache from how hard, and how long, she'd been beaming. "I'm somewhat glad Emily's wife is an ass to him... if not, I would've never found those suckers!"

"Lord, you think they suck? After the monologue I gave you of your importance to them... not very kind of you, dear."

"Suck–Suckers in a good way, I mean." (Y/N) added on, pouting when William chuckled in response. "Pfft, anyways, it's been, like, three days and I already know if anything came between us, I'd kill it in a heartbeat!"

His low chuckles morphed into a hearty laugh at her feeble threat.

Little did he know, it wasn't a joke, and the (H/C)-ette very much meant it.


Fridays weren't of much importance to (Y/N) as a child – if anything, it was a day of dread, because the weekends came next and on those days, her parents got... frequent visitors. She shook her head to rid herself of the memory.

Here in the Afton household, though, Friday nights were long awaited, for it was game night!

It was shortly after dinner, and with no school the next day, the kids were allowed to stay up past their bedtime. Today, it was Elizabeth's turn to choose the game, which was truth or even more truth! A spinner would be spun, and whoever it landed on would pick up a card from the deck and answer it truthfully.

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