„They can. McGonagall said the same as you. But Dumbledore and the others said there was no way for me to not take part. It’s sort of a binding contract with the goblet.“, he huffed.

„Fucking Dumbledore.“, I whispered „we’re going to figure it out. I will be there every step. And I won’t let anything happen to you. You’re not only my cousin, you’re my brother, Harry.“

Weeks went by, October led to November, Ron was still mad and Harry had no idea what the first task would be.

Today was Friday, the 18th, one week before the first task. I sat in the library, like a hand full of other students, currently working on my potions essay, when Fred stormed in.

„Pen!“, he shouted when he saw me and was scolded by Madam Pince.
„Pen!“, he now whispered and Madam Pince thanked him quietly. I looked up from my essay and put my quill down.

He held a piece of parchment in his hands and grinned widely. Since it was Friday night we are allowed to wear normal clothes instead of the uniform. And so did Fred. He wore one of Mrs. Weasley’s famous knitted jumpers. A dark green one with a yellow „F“ on the front and grey sweatpants.

I caught myself staring at him and blushed. But damn, he looked good.

„I have to show you something in the forbidden forest.“, he smiled at me and my smile faltered.


„As I said. Now come on.“, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the chair. Gaining the attention of some other students.

„Fred, wait, I need.. Wait..my books.“, I tried to stop him but he held my hand and dragged me out of the library and soon we left the castle.

It was before curfew so we didn't have to hide, but we were still not allowed in the forbidden forest. It laid before us, dark and foggy. And in all honesty, I’m not fond of going in there.

„Are you going to tell me where the fuck we’re going?“, I had a hard time keeping up with him and his long legs.

„You'll see when we’re there.“

„You’re not going to kill me, aren’t you? Because in case of that I had a few things to do before. I need to write to Moony and Padfoot. I need to give Hermione the book back I borrowed from her. I need to kick Ron’s ass. Hug Harry. Tell Dumbledore what a fucking piece of shit he is. Oh and I don’t want to die without being kissed once.“

I didn’t even realized that we stopped running. I stood with my back facing the forest and already heard the creatures that living in there.

Fred put a hand on my right shoulder.

„I’m not going to kill you. But I can’t believe that you‘re worrying more about what needs to get done before dying, as actually worrying about being killed at all“, he laughed. „so uh, off topic, but you’ve never been kissed before?“, he chewed on the inside of his cheek and I shook my head. I was a bit embarrassed, that’s why nobody knows except Hermione.

He took a step forward, still holding my hand. I felt his thumb stroking over my knuckles. Our eyes met and I swear I’ve never felt this much butterflies before.

He used the hand that was on my shoulder to put a strand of hair behind my ear and let his hand stay on my cheek.

„Oi, Fred! Here. Come over.“, at the voice of Charlie we both jumped a step back. He looked apologetically at me before he let go of my hand and turned around to face his older brother.

I tried to get my thoughts straight. He really was about to kiss me, there’s no doubt of it. But was it because he actually felt something for me. Or was it just because he wanted to do me a favor because I’ve never been kissed before. It must have been the last-mentioned.

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