Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (3/3)✅

Start from the beginning

Alexandra: I realized I can't lose so easily. Not him. I was naive, thinking I can just turn off my feelings which I developed in this crazy show. That's why I don't like relationships. I always end up being attached to people I shouldn't be attached to at all. But god, his smile. One smile and I'm all his. You may think I'm stupid. That's probably true, but there's nothing I can do.

-You can have an eye shut, I'll paddle.- He offers.

-It's not fair. I disagree.

-Do you always have to be so stubborn. You throw everything you have to help others, but when someone wants to return a favor you don't want it! You need to take care of yourself otherwise how would you take care of others. I know you weren't sleeping all night, because of me. Claim your sleep now.

I watch him with my eyes wide open. I put my paddle aside and obediently lie down in the canoe. Soon, I drift off to the sounds of the lake around me.

Geoff P.O.V.

-You silly girl, why do you always end up losing your sleep because of someone else.

I take off my shirt and cover sleeping, Alexandra. She looks so peaceful and stoic. After some more paddling, we reach the shore. The first thing that happens is Duncan approaching me and dragging Heather roughly through the sand.

-What did you do to her?!

-Do you seriously think I could hurt her?! You're crazy, dude.

-Why is she down there?!- He points at Alex

-Keep it down.

-I asked a question?!


Alexandra P.O.V


I wake up to the screaming. My alarm turns out to be angry Duncan, he's shouting at Geoff. My partner is standing shirtless, trying to calm him down. I look around the canoe and notice that the thing that kept me warm this whole time was Geoff's shirt.

-What time is it?- I ask groggily.

-Time for the challenge!- Chris yells behind me.

I look between Duncan and Geoff. Punk seems visibly down, I can tell by his eyes. I tilt my head and shiver because of the cold breeze on my skin. I sink deeper into the pink cloth.

-Slept well?- Geoff asks.

-Yeah. Here your...- I want to return his shirt but he stops me.

-No, keep it for now.- I nod.

We make our way to Chris, whose waiting patiently.

-Welcome to the second part of the second challenge. Back in episode 8, your friend Beth stole the Boney Island tiki doll.

-She said she returned it!- Gwen exclaims.

-She lied. She broke it up and flushed it down the septic tank.

-Ewww!- Heather freaks out.

-I know! The pieces in those packs need to be returned to the cave of treacherous terror! And you'll wanna do a double-quick, cause the longer you have the doll, the worse your luck. Oh yeah, one of you has to piggyback the other.- Chris explains.

I turn to my partner.

-Talking bout the previous episodes, do you remember the first one?- He questions.

-Sure I do. I don't have amnesia yet.

-How about I'll give you a piggyback again. Hop on, dudette. It's gonna be fun.- He smiles.

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