𝟏𝟖 ∘ time flies

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Welcome back, gang!
So, these chapters will be shortish like the first half but I hope you guys will still comment, vote and read along, and I hope I can write a storyline that lives up to the first. Just doing a little recap at the start as well since it's been ages since the first part.


Over seven years ago, the world ended

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Over seven years ago, the world ended. Monsters were real; small insects and animals became the size of buildings. Seven years ago, these monsters realised that humans were no longer the apex predator and began to feed on their new form of prey. The monsters proceeded to eliminate nearly the entire human population, firmly claiming their spot at the top of the food chain. Seven years ago, Joel Dawson saw both of his parents killed and went into hiding with some other survivors like many people around the world who managed to not be killed by the monsters when they first took over.

Over five years ago, Delilah Moon's world ended. Her mother and father had been killed by monsters and then she lost her brother. She hadn't even been allowed to see his body, not that she could have brought herself to do so, anyway. She fled from her bunker with her dog Boy by her side, the two more than happy to face the world alone together.

Until three years ago, when Delilah had nearly died and was saved by Daniel Braxton, the older brother she didn't realise she needed. Being from the military, the man was able to teach her everything she needed to know to survive. Delilah learned to light fires, hunt, and find shelter and she, Boy and Brax kept each other safe. They made the apocalypse their home.

Nearly a month ago, Delilah Moon met Joel Dawson. Joel had been in a bunker since the monsters claimed the world and wasn't exactly prepared for what was above ground. But the determination to go after his high school girlfriend, Aimee, gave him the push he needed. That was until he met Delilah. The two found solace in each other, finding what they had hadn't realised they'd been missing.

Because you don't have to settle. Not even at the end of the world.

Delilah Moon stretched her arms as she climbed to her feet, leaning down to pick up her jacket. Her eyes glanced down at Joel Dawson as she slid the jacket on, the man still fast asleep on their makeshift bed, Boy curled up by his legs. Delilah couldn't help but smile. The past couple of weeks with him had been some of the best that she'd had in years. Meeting Joel, journeying to Jenner Beach falling for the man who was now her best friend - besides Boy, of course. Joel felt the same and now with his colony along for the journey too, he walked around like a man who had everything. He practically did.

Whistling to Boy softly, Delilah walked with the canine down to the lake which they'd set up camp beside. While they usually didn't stay in one place for a whole night, they had been travelling for almost a week and decided it would be best for everyone. So, throughout the night, the group had slept in shifts to make sure that someone was always on watch. It was Delilah's turn to be on watch and in just a few hours, she would be waking everyone up so that they could continue on their way to the colony of survivors in the mountains.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐈𝐓 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ≡ Joel Dawson (Pt. 2 on hold)Where stories live. Discover now