Chapter 11

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( John is at Jay Garrick's house because Jay invited him and his dad and his justice society friends over for Thanksgiving dinner and now are currently waiting for Dinah, Wally and his family, and Barry and his wife Iris)

Ted- hey John can you go pick up some ice cream and maybe a lot cause Jay's grandson I hear will eat it all before we get to it ( he then laughs)

John- sure thing dad ( John then leaves and drives in his car to a store and then gets a big amount of ice cream and goes to the to the cashier to pay for it and then as he is outside and is about to get into his car but feels a presence behind him)

Amanda Waller- hello John ( she says in a serious tone)

John- Amanda Waller to what I owe the pleasure.

Amanda Waller- well for one I am surprised that you are alive and you have some years of service to serve your country, which is why I am hear.

John- well what do you have in mind?

Amanda Waller- Well I can persuade your branch of service to honorably discharge you when you want but we all agreed if only you do one last highly classified mission for me
John- Well then what's the mission
Amanda Waller- well we will discuss this later and I will call you when I am ready to give you your mission and I will give you the location where to met and give you all your instructions and details at the location
John- but no funny business
Amanda Waller- well I cannot assure you that there will not be any
( she then walks away and then John goes to open the door on his car he feels another presence and turns around to see that it is queen bee)
Queen Bee- well my my my you look like a strong man ( she said a seductively and attempting to put John under her control with her powers)
John- uh well sorry mam but I have to go ( he tries to get in his car but Queen bee grabs his arm)
Queen Bee- oh come on how about we go to my place  
( she tries to take over John's mind again but he yanks his arm out of her grip and gets into his car and leaves)
Queen Bee- what the heck how did my power not work on him
( John then arrives at Jay Garrick's house and meanwhile on the watchtower Batman discusses on John after voting on letting him join the league)
Batman- I hope he does not turn on us and that the light is not aware of him I hope
Wonder Woman- I agree and before Dinah left with Barry to go to Jay Garrick's house she mentioned that she was annoyed at those girls for trying to get John's phone number when John defeated those saiyans
Superman- I hope whatever comes next is in our favor
( meanwhile at the lights base)
Vandal- so Queen Bee failed to take control of John so then we will have to use the starro chips then which we should be using too
Klarion- awwww but I want it to happen now!

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