Chapter 4 John alive?

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Third person view
John: um hi?
(Black canary runs to him and hugs him)
Black canary: John your alive! everyone else back home will be so happy (she cries)
Oliver: except me (he frowns)
John: oh hello ollie
Oliver: do not call me that jerk
Black canary: okay you two stop that
Wonder Woman: black canary do you know who this warrior is that has saved us all?
Black canary: yes he is John Grant the one who I thought died the year before
Hippolyta: how did you defeat ares and hades?
John: well let me explain, after I supposedly died I ended up in another dimension were I learned I am a half saiyan and I trained with a lot of fighters there who told me like a full blooded saiyan I met and befriended them and learned many abilities there then I came back here
(Everyone has a surprised look on their face)
Oliver: so does that explain where you got the dumb outfit
Black canary: Oliver be quiet!
Batman: alright everyone break it up now we should leave and talk about him (points at John)
Hippolyta: before you leave I should say John you are welcome to themyscira
John: uh thanks?
Robin: so Batman are you taking him to the watchtower?
Batman: no he will be staying with you guys while we talk about him on the watchtower
John: hey my names John you know
( as they leave some of the amazons are eyeing John while black canary looks annoyed and John has a awkward look)
Please comment yes or no on should John join the team or not

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