Chapter 8

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Star city 2010
( John and Dinah were just exiting the movie theater together)
John: so Dinah what should we do now?
Dinah: I think maybe we should get dinner
John: so should we go to this place
( John points to a Italian restaurant)
Dinah: okay it looks good
(They enter and order there food and when it arrives they talk while they eat)
John: so Dinah what does Batman have planned for me?
Dinah: well John Batman is gonna want you to join the league, but I can have you help me train the team
John: okay I would go with that then for now
( meanwhile in space)
Saiyan: sir we will in earth's solar system by tomorrow morning
Saiyan leader: good soon we will continue our work on conquering the universe
(Meanwhile at the cave the team is talking about John)
Wally: I can't believe all those amazon babes were into wild kitty
Robin: well wally probably because he isn't a flirt machine like you and he's nice
Megan: I agree with Robin he seems nice
Conner: so I hear he will be helping black canary train is tomorrow
Wally: he is
Conner: oh he is
Wally: I have a bad feeling about this

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