Chapter 10

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Over earth
( The saiyan leader and his soldiers have arrived at earth and are preparing to invade earth)
Saiyan leader- today we go and conquer earth and-
Saiyan officer- sir there is something you should know about the power readings
Saiyan leader- well what is it then!?
Saiyan officer- well sir one high power reading is a kryptonian and a half breed
Saiyan leader- well we will crush this kryptonian and this half breed scum!
Some time later in Metropolis
Lois- so Clark cafe to tell me about this new guy you mentioned that might be joining the league
Clark- oh well Lois um Batman told me not to say anything more about him to you unless he says so
Lois- awww to bad
(Then suddenly the saiyan ship appears and out comes the saiyan leader and his small army)
Saiyan leader- hello earthlings I am zardith and I am hear to conquer and enslave you all
Meanwhile at mount justice
( John was with Dinah helping her training the team)
Megan- John how can you stop me from using my psychic powers on you
John- well it's a secret
Suddenly Batman appears on the computer
Batman- team I request you zeta to metropolis now! (He said while dodging a blast)
Robin- Batman what is going on ( he asked worried)
Batman- there are saiyans here and everyone except me and Wonder Woman are left but we're barely standing
( after hearing Batman the team along with John and Dinah zeta to metropolis, and when they arrived they see the league beaten and the saiyan zardith and his army standing over them triumphantly)
Zardith- well look at hear it looks like their sidekicks have come to save them oh and the half breed and his mate
( as John and Dinah blush kaldur goes up and said)
Kaldur- why are you here?
Zardith- well fish boy we are here to conquer this planet and enslave it's population
John- well I won't let you
Batman- John do not kill them
John- don't worry  I won't
Zardith- well halfbreed what are you gonna do huh
( he said laughing)
John- when I am through with you. You are gonna wish you did not come here
( John then powers up to super saiyan, then everyone is shocked and amazed while zardith said)
Zardith- huh me and my army shall make short use of you
( as zardith and his army charges John just  stand there and defeats them all and knocks them out and disables there ship after loading them in it and uses instant transmission to take them and the ship with the saiyans inside it and then comes back)
John- whelp done and done and Batman I did not kill them
Batman- then what did you do with them
John- well I just teleported them to a desolate planet and disabled there ship and erased there navigation computer
On some desolate planet
Zardith- ( wakes up) what the? Are you kidding me!!! ( zardith then rages and takes it out in his soldiers who are just waking up)
Back at metropolis
( Lois lane approach's John)
Lois- hello Lois lane with the daily planet who are you?
John-  well you can call me Saiyan man ( sorry Gohan he thought)
( then many girls come running to get a look at the new hero whom they saw attractive as Dinah started to have the same annoyed look at themyscira while John starts to looks embarrassed and the team and the league chuckle at this)
( meanwhile at a unknown location)
Vandal- well after seeing him take down all those pure blooded saiyans I say he would be a valuable asset to the light
Luther- yes I say we persuade him first
Vandal- agreed
Klarion- awwww but I like the other way
A/n- sorry for not updating soon because I have been very busy and just to say I might be doing timeskips cause I plan on writing the chapters for season 2 soon

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