Chapter 9

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Mount Justice 2010
(The team was currently was listening to black canary about hand to hand combat tricks with John at her side)
Black canary- alright now who would like to go against my boyfriend John? And you get to use powers
Kid flash- alright I will go against wild kitty and maybe you will want to know my moves when I beat him (he said flirtingly)
(As kid flash attempts to use his speed to defeat John but John uses his time skip to even the field and John was able to defeat kid flash easily)
Kid flash- hey how did you do that?!
John- well kid flirt I learned many abilities while training with my friends in universe 7, so who next
( a while later the entire team was defeated by John)
Robin- how did you defeat us? ( he said while moaning)
John- well that's a secret
Computer- recognizes Batman and Superman
Black canary- Batman, Superman what are you two doing here?
Superman- well we are here to discuss what your position is on the league and we will vote in the future whether you should join the team or not
John- okay sounds good
Meanwhile in space
Saiyan soldier- sir we should arrive at earth tomorrow
Saiyan leader- about time it has taken far to long it make me want to destroy everything we come across! ( he said as he started to crush some instruments by him)
Saiyan soldier- sir be patient we should be there tomorrow
Saiyan leader- if you say one more time tomorrow I will throw you out the airlock!

Young justice son of wildcat x black canaryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin