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Star city, May 2004, 6 years before the team is formed

(John's POV)
(It was a couple days after high school graduation and in my opinion I was glad. I still don't have the will to tell Dinah how I felt about her heck I have always had weak willpower my entire life and even tried to get my dad's friend Scott Allan the worlds first Green Lantern to help me with my willpower which worked to no avail sadly. I am now going to my dad's gym to tell him what I am going to do in the next chapter in my life.)
(I enter his gym)
John: hey dad
Ted: hey son how is it going
John: good dad, anyway I have something to tell you that I have done today that you may not agree with
Ted: what did you get into a fight with that rich boy Oliver Queen or wait you told Dinah how you felt and got her pregnant
(I blush)
John: no no! None of that I decided to enlist in the army
(Ted stops laughing)
Ted: your kidding right
John: no I am not kidding
Ted: come on son why the army
John: because dad-
Ted: what because your dad is a former boxing champion and you are not like me
John: that is part of it dad yes because I am only good at shooting and history
Ted: you are like your mother you know
John : I have come to say goodbye dad tell everyone else that to and I hope someday I can tell Dinah how I feel
(I leave)
( I then go to me and my dad's place I feel terrible leaving everyone like this but I feel I must. Tomorrow I go to boot camp and I am hoping I go into the special forces. But this path will lead me something unexpected.)

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