We're Jinxed - Chapter 2

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"Jinx? What's wrong?"

Jinx's distressed yells and groans echoed all around her lair, the place where she created all of her machinery and gadgets. It glowed with luminescent spray paint and the doodles made by it, lights strung around the dark place as intense music blared from Jinx's record player.

Jinx, herself, was sitting at the edge of the giant metal fan, close to the middle of the room, aggressively working a wrench into one of her smaller gadgets as she sporadically yelled at the invisible people talking to her.

"...Now, he thinks I'm weak!"

"Jinx, talk to me!"

But the blue-haired girl only continued with her work, throwing wasted parts over the edge as she ranted on, letting her back hit the rusted metal below her as she did so.

"'Sevika will clean it up,'" Jinx put on a mocking tone, mimicking Silco's gravely voice. "Sevika's a regular Johnny-on-the-spot!"

Natalia's brows furrowed, feeling more than just worried at the state Jinx was in. Fuck. She's more riled up than usual. Something bad really must've happened.

Quickly she swept across the room, carefully approaching the girl, as Natalia knew more than anyone what Jinx's impulsive reactions could be like during her breakdowns.

"Please, talk to me, Jinx," Natalia called to her gently, treating the situation like she was trying to defuse a bomb. It may as well have been that, anyway, with Jinx's mood swings. "What happened when you were guarding the cargo?"

Jinx whipped around, her long, cyan braids moving with her head as her eyes widened, shocked to see Natalia in the moment, before they narrowed again. "I'm not weak!"

"I know you're not," Natalia said softly, bending down to sit in front of Jinx, gaze confused. "Who told you that?"

"Silco did. Well, he didn't..." Jinx sputtered, reaching out to Natalia to seek comfort from her friend. "But he may as well have. It wasn't my fault! I didn't mean to. I didn't meant to, I didn't mean to..."

"I know, I know," Natalia said, letting Jinx crawl into her arms as she often did when she was this worked up. "It's okay, Jinx... what happened?"

"I— I saw her," Jinx choked out, gloved hands clutching at Natalia's sides. "One of the Firelights, their stupid mask came off and... they looked like her."

Natalia felt her stomach drop at the mention of Jinx's estranged sister. Natalia had never known much about her, other than the fact that Jinx and her had once been close before she abandoned Jinx. Why she did it, Natalia only had a small idea based on things Jinx would say during her breakdowns.

She hugged Jinx tighter to her, letting her friend bury her face in her chest. "It'll be alright, Jinx," Natalia drudged up as much confidence as she could. Really, she had no idea if it would.

"I'm sorry," Natalia whispered."Your sister, she... Silco said she was gone, remember?"

"Yes," Jinx muttered warily, and there was both a deep hatred in her voice and a deep aching affection when she mentioned her sister. "Sisters... sisters... I didn't miss her, no, no..."

"It's okay if you did, Jinx."

"She abandoned me."

"Still, it's okay if you did."

Natalia didn't even know the name of Jinx's sister— whenever the topic was brought up, which wasn't much, neither Silco nor Jinx would ever disclose it. After all these years, Natalia would have hoped by now Jinx would've told her.

Jinx stayed silent for what felt like an eternity, hiding herself from the world in Natalia's arms. Occasionally she muttered something to the voices she often heard, telling them to shut up or to leave her alone. Eventually, she pulled back, wiping her tears away before looking up at Natalia.

"I'm going to prove it to him, Nat," Jinx said, her words more of a promise than anything. "I'm going to prove to him I'm not weak."

Natalia's eyes widened with slight worry. "Jinx, Silco knows you're not weak. He's seen you fight before. He knows you're strong."

Jinx shook her head, standing up, and it was clear on her face that she was already set in her idea. There was absolutely nothing anyone could do to stop Jinx when she was being stubborn.

"Come on, the music stopped and the quiet is giving me the heebie-jeebies," Jinx's tone abruptly changed as did her mood swing, sending whiplash Natalia's way as it often did, despite her being accustomed to it over the years. She quickly stood up, making Natalia wince at the sudden movement.

"Let's just... go somewhere else for a bit, please?"

"Let's go have lunch," Natalia offered, smiling tentatively in the hopes Jinx was feeling better and that whatever she was planning to do wasn't too extreme. "I'll pay."

"Great!" Jinx bounced forward, leaving Natalia to trail after her cautiously.

God, if this blows up in my face, I'm going to be in deep shit with Silco.

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