"Stupid as well," she muttered to herself, "it means you sound like a girl."

"No I don't!" he complained

"Yes you do."

"Pft," he gave up. Sophie grinned at his back in victory. 1 to Sophie, 0 to Charlie.

"Anyway, how have you levelled up so much?" Charlie asked her.

"To be honest, I don't know," she replied honestly to him, "I've down similar quests to you but the XP I get is much higher as well as the drop loots. Maybe it's my character?" she suggested to Charlie. He shook his head.

"No, the creators made sure that characters don't get any bonus form XP or drops." he answered. Sophie frowned at his back. Charlie had a knack for doing things like this. He would often start talking about the game as if he was the creator. He seemed to know everything about the game and how it was designed. She didn't want to press him for details though because she had just met him. She'll find out some day.

"Oh." Something was odd about her character. So far, everything she had been getting had been lucky and better than most people.

"Maybe you're just a special character?" he suggested.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Sophie shot back with a scowl on her face.

"That you're stupid." he ginned. Oh no he didn't.

"Yeah well, if stupid was measured in trees, you'd be the amazon rain forest." she told him pulling a poker face. Charlie froze for a minute not expecting that.

"What the hell? Where did you get that insult?" he complained. It was an insult she had made up one night. It was one of those random things people do at night. For her, it was looking up insults and brainstorming them.

"Your mum?" she replied with a wonky face. She felt like cringing when she said it. Ugh, her mouth felt violated...

Suddenly, she heard a crying noise and she turned to face Charlie. He had tears running down his face and was ferociously wiping around his eyes. "Are you crying?" Sophie asked him with concern.

"I can't help it." he said to her giving her a smile. Tears were still coming out of his eyes and he was still wiping them like mad. "There is just so much beauty in the world."

Sophie gave him a glare but shrugged it off. They carried on running for a while until they reached the woods.

Ahead of them was more of a gathering of trees than a wood with a perimeter running in a perfect circle. It was filled densely with a mixture of trees, not just oak but ash and sycamores making the wood look more scary. The inside looked dark with little to see.

"Is this it?" she gulped. It looked creepy and she didn't really want to go in there.

"Yup." he replied. While he didn't show it, Charlie was just as afraid as Sophie. But of course he wouldn't show it. He was a Kec Elf! Proud and handsome. He wouldn't be scared by the wood.

Just before the entrance was a sign written into a fallen tree. The writing looked old, weathered and barely readable. She paused and looked at it. It read

Beware thee who come seeking riches. For that is not what thou shall find. Inside is horror not fit for weak. And read well and remember this, that all things strong will fall.

The words gave Sophie a chill as she read into the writing. They felt ominous and gave a warning that she didn't know what.

With a deep breath, she faced Charlie, "Ready?"

"Yup." he said again with a gulp. Sophie equipped her weapons and leather armour. She usually took it off when she wasn't fighting. Although it didn't effect her anymore due to her strength levels rising, she still didn't like the feel of it and would rather wear comfortable t-shirts and jeans.

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