A Talk by the fire

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I set hinata down with her back to a tree while i set up our tent for the night
After setting up the tent i started making the fire, the entire time i couldnt stop looking at Hinata, she was so peaceful
I had made the fire and just started feeding in the firewood when i stopped to look at hinata
She was fidgeting in her spot, I could tell she was cold so i wrapped her in my jacket then went back to the fire, sitting on one of the 2 logs I brought to the tent from the forest i turned to look over at Hinata for like the 100th time that day
was i catching feelings for Hinat-
"Ah Fuck" i burnt myself putting some wood into the fire  now that everything was set up i decided i should probably wake up Hinata

[Hinata Pov]

"Hey Hinata... wake up..." i felt something start nugging me
"Hhunmph" i groaned
"Hinata? Come on wake up"
"H-Huh" i opened my eyes only to see two shining blue orbs in front of me "Naruto-kun? What happened?"
"Don't worry we weren't attacked you just passed out"
"Oh right o-okay... t-thank you...H-Hey Naruto-kun d-did you set up the t-tents?"
"Oh yeah well i thought we could talk for a while then go to sleep"
"W-Wah? D-did you only b-bring the o-one tent?"
"Huh yeah is that okay?"
"Uhm yeah i g-guess its o-okay"
"Cool" i heard him say
I walked over to the logs and sat down on it still with naruto kuns jacket on and before i was able to offer it back he put on a blanket of his own sitting down on the log to my right

"So N-Naruto-Kun w-what did you want to t-talk about?"
"Oh right i just wanted to learn more about you" he gave me a cheeky smile after saying that
"O-Okay then... well ask away N-Naruto-kun"
"Well whats it like to have byakugan?"
"Uhm w-well i guess everything goes x-ray k-kind of a-and i can see chakra? I-i dont know its very hard to e-explain sorry" it made me happy naruto was interested in me
"they're beautiful but powerful... thats so cool"
"HU-HUH B-beautifu-ful?"
"Well yeah"i could see him blushing so i could only imagine that i looked like a tomato
"T-thank you N-Naruto-kun"
"Now you ask me a question" he said giving me his iconic smile
"U-umm how l-long have you had a c-crush on s-sakura-chan?"
"Hey hinata... can we just talk about us?...if i wanted to talk about Sakura-Chan i would...
But i wanna talk with you dattebayo"
'Could that be true? That Naruto-kun is actually interested in what i have to say?'
"Well it seems like you're having a hard time thinking of a question so ill ask another one while you think" he said giving me a soft smile
"Y-yes, t-thank you N-Naruto-kun"
"Right well seeming as we're on the subject"
"Hmm?" i said taking a sip of water
"Do you have a crush on anyone?"
*Pfffffffffft* i sprayed out my water when he asked me that, nearly putting out the fire in the process and nearly drenching him swell
"Sorry ...i guess i... surprised you with that one" he said giggling at my reaction
"N-no... its fine... but yeah... just a bit unexpected" i replied to him giggling between my words just like him
After we calmed down he asked again
"So is there anyone?"
"W-What n-no ... Kiba and me are f-friends but never anything m-more"
"...oh...Well who is it?"
'Should i tell him?'
"Hmm ill t-tell you what...ill answer 5 yes or no q-questions and then you can g-guess... O-okay?" i said to him trying to give him a soft smile

[Naruto Pov]
"Your on! Dattebayo!"
"Okay g-go on ahead"
"hmm...Is it a ninja?"
"Y-yes a particularly good one at that"
"Do i know him?"
"Yes you do"
"Hmm...was he in our class back in the academy?"
"Yes... T-Thats w-when i fell in l-lo-love w-with h-him"
"Does anyone else know you like him?"
"A-Actually i believe e-everyone knows except h-himself"
'But i don't know who it is?' i thought
"Hmm so only me and him don't know who it is huh?...wait! Thats not my question!" as i was saying that i saw Hinata face palm
"Is something wrong Hina?"
"H-HUH H-Hina?..."
"Yeah i thought it sounded like a good nick name"
"A-Ah r-right t-thank you"
"Okay 1 question left... hmm... Does he like you back?"
"U-um i-i don't b-believe s-so i t-think he l-likes s-someone else"
"H-Huh.......im s-sorry"
"Huh?... oh no dont worry Hina i was calling him a dumbass not you ^_^"
"H-huh w-why"
"Well look at you... you're beautiful,kind and considerate of others"
"Well...who do you think he likes?"
"But you're far more beautiful than Sakur-" i stopped myself before i could finnish saying something embarrassing, but she understood what i meant
"T-Thank you N-Naruto-Kun"she said redder than a tomato
"U-uh y-yeah"
"B-But the p-problem is that He l-liked Sakura-Chan since the academy"
"I see...it sounds like we were similar until kind of recently aha"
"H-How come until r-recently"
"W-well dont tell Sakura-Chan this b-but...i don't really l-like her anymore."
"uh...Y-yeah? Why are you so excited?"

[Hinata Pov]

"H-Huh uh w-well u-uh"
"W-Well Naruto-kun im sure you noticed t-that Sakura-Chan likes Sasuke R-Right?"
"W-Well y-yeah"
"A-and...d-did She really m-make you h-happy?"

>thank you all for reading I'm having a lot of fun with this and I'd love to know what you think <3

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