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Shorter chapter again ( ˙-˙ )
(But not that short ;)

[Hinata pov]

I woke up with no Naruto on my bed which as weird but when i stepped out i tripped over something
Naruto had rolled out of bed again but i could only laugh at him and his silliness
I pulled the blanket over him so he could sleep a little more, i left him a note saying id be going to meet neji

I walked past fathers room when i heard him talking with Neji

"So another clan proposal?"
"Yes it would seem so, it's a small but very powerful clan. I wouldn't be surprised if Hinata took up the offer"
"I doubt it...she loves Naruto, and he's a good kid...it's just a shame he isn't a clan head"
"Yes, I understand what you mean. The proposal will be happening the day after Hinata's birthday"
"Okay. good day Neji"

He began to walk out of the office and saw me standing outside of the door, he closed it then walked with me back the my room
"One sec ill make sure naruto is proper"
I slipped in and saw naruto was just laying on the bed in his clothes
I then beckoned for Neji to come in which he did, we sat around my table and talked over the plans that would happen on the 28th
We finished talking and Neji left shortly after winking at Naruto
"How did you two even get this close?"
"Hehe honestly i think it was because i called him bro"
"When was this?"
"Well...on the morning after i confessed you were still asleep and Neji came up to us and began talking to me, i said sure bro at the end of a sentence as a joke but he took it seriously and told me to put 'in law' at the end"
"Ahaha that's just like you"
"Anyway, is there anything in particular you want to do tomorrow?"
"Hmm? Tomorrow?"
"What's happening tomorrow?"
"..." he just looked at me with an eyebrow raised
"Your birthday?"
"OH RIGHT! I completely forgot hehe"
"Uhm unfortunately we're gonna have to spend some of it at the compound so we can't do something too extravagant"
"Hmm? How come?"
"Well seeming as i am the heir of the clan, all of the dominant clan figures appear and there's a meal and it's just a whole thing"
"......that's your only take away from this?"
"U-uh no of course not...well then we'll do birthday stuff on the 29th then"
"Hehe i was kidding but that sounds good sweetie, lets go ask my father that you can come"
"Yeah okay" he said as he grabbed my hand while walking down the hallway
I knocked on the door and waited for father to call us in
"Come in!"
I stepped in and sat down
"Good morning Hinata"
Naruto then walked in and father seemed to change
"Hey naruto"
'Hey?...just hey? How did Naruto get close to my father of all people?'
"Sup Hiashi" 'THEY'RE ON A FIRST NAME BASIS!' i was speechless at this
"Hey Hinata are you okay?" naruto broke me from my trance
"O-oh sorry, i just didn't realise you two were this close"
"Hmm? Well i guess since Naruto has being staying over so much it just happened" father was so at ease what the hell
"Oh right...Hinata knows you know now by the way" Naruto spoke out to father
"Really? Well that's good" he turned to me without his normal serious intent
"Very good choice Hinata" 'WHAT. THE. FUCK!'
"U-uh right...t-thank you father"
"Of course, anyways, what do you two want this morning?"
I decided to speak up as i know how my birthdays work
"Well i was wondering if Naruto could stay over at the Dinner tomorrow?"
"Hmm? Of course he can. I already thought he was, so of course"
"Oh...sorry father i didn't know you knew about us getting-"
I felt Naruto nudge me, 'oh shit i nearly just said about us getting married
"--getting u-uh together" i looked over to Naruto to see him nodding as if to say good save
"Right that does make sense, I'm sorry then" 'WHAT THE HELL HAS NARUTO DONE TO MY FATHER! HE JUST APOLOGISED!'
"Well i think that's all we wanted then" i said getting up with Naruto
"Oh and Naruto...its on"
"Yes, it should be good"
We walked out and when we got back to my room i asked him what that was about and Naruto explained everything
"Oh right, well Hiashi said he'll try and set up ramen for tomorrow's dinner"
"How did you make him like you so much!?"
"Hehe i'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone just as i promised to hiashi"
"When i had my meeting with Hiashi he asked what my favourite food was"
"Wait really?"
"Yeah, and i of course said ramen with my normal excitement at the thought of it"
"Well...your father responded the same way"
"He what?"
"Yeah, apparently hs favourite food is ramen as well"
"You are joking right?"
"So that's all that had to be done for my father to like someone?"
"Yep pretty much"
"But my father is...he's...so serious"
"Yeah but he's actually pretty kind"
"So he's doing ramen for everybody?"
"I believe so unless someone asks for something different"
"Right that sounds good" i like ramen but I didn't think it would be as much fun eating my boyfriends favourite food on my birthday
"Do you want us to go ask for something else Hina?"
"N-no its fine" i gave him a nice smile to lighten our spirits as he thought there was a problem
We then spent the day wandering around Konoha and then watching a movie at home
We went to sleep and i could tell Naruto was kind of nervous about meeting everyone from the clan tomorrow but he still seemed fairly excited

If you enjoyed please leave a like and I will see u next chapter tomorrow <3

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