proposal 2?...

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Shorter than last chapter but still a long one xD

[Naruto pov]

I woke up and Hinata was still asleep and rightfully so, i only realised when i was done playing with her last night that it was already about 2am this morning...i played with her for about four hours so she had the right to be tired, i decided i would run back to my apartment to get changed into my formal clothes for the proposal
I had a cape close to that of the 4th hokage's as well as a black kimono with orange stripes by the edges Hinata helped me pick out

I had finally arrived at the compound with two anbu escorting me that Tsunade had set up for some reason
We walked into the main hall where Hinata was stood near the back with her father a couple of steps away
I removed my hood which made Hiashi gasp
"Naruto? Is that you?"
"Yes. Good evening Hiashi" i turned to look at Hinata and she was beautiful, she was wearing a dark purple kimono with red and white flowers all over it
"Lady Hinata. May I ask for your Hand in Marriage?"
"I would be glad to, Mr Uzumaki"
I stepped up to her grabbing her hand and kissing her as we embraced in front of her father
"Mr Hyuga. Do I have your blessing to marry your daughter?"
"..." he was speechless but then just smiled
"That you do. Mr Uzumaki" i turned back to Hinata with a beaming smile on my face and hugged her
"By the way sir. Are there any specific clan ceremonies we have to do? or can we have a normal wedding?"
"Hmm...we have some yes... but for you two i can find some loopholes...son in law"
It sent shivers up my spine hearing Hiashi call me son, but in a good way
I then picked Hinata up and carried her to her room, we then striped off our formal wear and laid down on the bed
"You did it Naruto!"
"Yes...we did it Hinata" i kissed her rosy cheek as i wrapped my arms around her
"Thank you Naruto"
"Thanks to you all of my dreams have become true"
"...Hinata... this is what i wanted as well, we're getting married and having a child together...and you're the only person in the entire world i have ever loved this much....nothing could ever make me more happy"
"Oh Naruto" she said with a bright blush
"I love you Hinata"
"I love you too Naruto"
We spent the entire day in bed with tv playing in the background as we just talked about what we were going to do for the wedding, but i was constantly dodging questions because it would look like a child planned the wedding if i had to chose
"Well what flowers do you think Honey?"
"Uhm i really can't choose...what about you?"
"Well i was thinking that we should have white camellias"
"That sounds perfect"
'Nice one kid'
'Oh Hey Kurama...haven't talked in a while heh'
'Yeah yeah. But congratulations kid, i hope you have a happy life together'
"Naruto?...Naarruuutttoo?...anyone there?"
When i came back to i was on the floor now
"Hmm? Did I fall off the bed?"
"Yeah silly, what happened?" i climbed back onto the bed while wrapping my arms around Hinata again but with us both sitting up against her backboard
"Kurama just talked to me..."
"Wait really what did he say"
"He...he congratulated us..."
"Yeah...he's really a big softie" 'SHUT UP BRAT'
"Well then...can you tell him thanks from me, and also thanks for keeping you safe Naruto"
'Hey kid can i talk to her'
'If ur able to...'
Suddenly i felt my mind take a back seat as if i wasn't able to control my body anymore
"Hello there Hinata"
" that you Kurama?"
"Yes, congratulations on your wedding with this knucklehead"
"Oh...thank you. And also...thank you for keeping Naruto safe this whole time"
"Hnn. don't mention it, if he dies then so do i" my head quickly turned as if i was scoffing
"Hehe...ya' kind of act like Naruto in a way"
I felt Kurama's normal attitude while recently a lot less aggravated turn into happiness because someone was talking to him like a person
"I guess i may have picked some things up from this kid, but thankfully not how bad he is at conveying his feelings" he chuckled out
"What do you mean"
"This brat has loved for longer than you think"
"Yep. it's also longer than he thinks, because we share a mind i know how Naruto feels about things"
"H-how is it l-longer than he thinks?"
"Well it's obvious that this kid loves ramen, even right now i can taste it in his mouth, but for the longest time Naruto didn't know what love was and thought it was the same as the way he loves ramen"
"S-so how long was he l-like this?"
"Probably about the same time as you"
" took until you went on your mission together for him to understand what he was feeling...he always felt close to you no matter what but it made his heart ache so he thought it was a bad feeling...he thought he loved you the same way he loves ramen instead of romantically, but in reality there is nothing he loves more than congratulations on your marriage Miss Uzumaki..."
I was back in my own body and we were both left in a state of shock, Hinata because she finally learnt of my true feelings and me because...she knew my true feelings and not only that but Kurama understood the entire time what was going on in my heart
"W-was that t-true?" she was looking at me with puppy dog eyes almost as if she was about to cry
" sorry i was such a knucklehead..." i was scratching the back of my head while looking down embarrassed at my stupidity
"Naruto...I LOVE YOU!" she immediately jumped and pulled my into a hug so tight it was almost hurting
We spent a couple more hours just planning the wedding but we had smiled on our faces the entire time
"So when do we want the date to be set?"
"Well id like to do it as soon as possible...that way i can wear a skinny dress"
"Hmm? Why wouldn't you be wearing a skinny dress?"
"Naruto? My belly is gonna get bigger because I'm realise that right?"
"Of cou-"
"WHAT!" the door swung open and Neji came flying in
"Lady Hinata! You're pregnant?"
"Shh! Neji!...yes im pregnant"
"For how long?"
"Don't worry you didn't find out late, about two days"
"Hmm? Find out late?" i was questioning because i thought Neji would have been mad
"Naruto? You never knew?...Neji is great with kids"
"Really? I guess i just didn't know aha"
"So...Naruto's the father right?"
"Of course i'm the father idiot!"
"Actually no..." Hinata said with all seriousness in her voice
"w-what ... Hinata-chan?" she turned to me but i could see it in her eyes...she was pranking me
"God dammit...i fell for it again didn't i?"
"That you did Honey" Hinata said while scruffing up my hair
"So who is the father?"
"*Pfft* Neji i was joking"
"O-oh i thought you really were pregnant..." Neji's face turned immediately distraught
"Oh...No dont worry Neji i am pregnant...and yes Naruto is the father" Hinata said as i squeezed onto her hand
"Well that great" Neji said with a smile
"Uh bro, were you spying on us from the door?"
"Hmm? Oh no sorry i only heard the last part, i was coming to ask about how the proposal went"
"Oh right...well"
I picked up Hinata's hand to show that she still had the ring on
"And Hiashi is okay with this?"
"Yes actually it seems Naruto and father have gotten really close"
"I everything seems to be perfect, i'll leave you two to plan the wedding"
He walked out of the room and i had a great idea
"Hey Hinata i'm gonna talk with Kurama for a second"
"O-okay Honey"
'Yo Kurama'
'What's up now Naruto?'
'Uhm...ya know how you just took over my body just then'
'Do you think you could do that to a shadow clone?'
'Hmm? A shadow clone? I haven't tried so we can test it out, why?'
'Well I was thinking that...if it's possible...could you come to the wedding as a guest?'
'Hmm? You aren't pulling my tail are you?'
'No i'm serious...would you like to?'
'Sure kid, if your fiance allows you to. Then sure...because trust me there is nothing more terrifying than an angry woman on her wedding day.'
"Okay i just talked with him and now i need to ask you something"
"What is it honey?"
"Well I wanted to test out if Kurama could take over a shadow clone...if he can...can he come as a guest?"
"Of course Naruto"
"Thanks Hina! I love you!"
"I love you too Honey, i'll just add him to a table"
"Which one shall we choose?"
"Uhm...why don't we add him to the close friends table"
"Yeah i think that sounds like a good idea" Hinata was beaming a smile at me


I spent the next dray training with Kurama, it was supposed to be the day me and Hinata were going to celebrate her birthday properly but we both knew that we should try and get the wedding done as soon as possible so i was left to train with Kurama, i also brought yamato and kakashi sensei as Kurama had said that if he fully took over too fast that he may come out as himself which could kill me if i had the 9 tails ripped out from me, so we used yamato's wood style to stabilise the process until we got it down, we also found that when we used the technique we could speak telepathically
"Woah...we did it" i put my fist out
"It's good to breath real air again" Kurama said taking a deep breath as he gave me a fist bump
"Alright , so you'll be on the table with my friends. Is that okay?
"Yeah kid that seems like as good of a place as any"
We walked back to the compound talking like just ordinary friends even though he was the nine tails, but i saw no reason to treat him differently than any other person
I re absorbed him as we walked into Hinata's room
"Hey Honey, how did it go?"
"It worked"
"For real!, thats glad Kurama will be at our wedding" i could almost feel Kurama smiling in the back of my head
We finally had the wedding planned out, and it was gonna be perfect

I hope you enjoyed again and if you did then please like <3
Next chapter may be the last (@_@)

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