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The episode starts with Anirudh, Bondita and Sampoorna are leaving the market.
In whole way there was only two sounds Anirudh heard…One is of passing by winds and another is of car engine. He tried to one more sound that’s of Bondita’s heart but Bondita made her heart so silent that no one can feel the strom.
They reach Das Haveli. Bondita silently gets down the car followed by Sampoorna and Anirudh?… Still in trying to hear Bondita’s heart.
Thakuma- Oh you people came?
Sampoorna- Ji…I will leave now.
Thakuma- But where is Anirudh? He didn’t come in.
Bondita ups her head and looks at the door. Anirudh is coming with heavy heart. Bondita can feel it but she needs some time.
Bondita- Sorry Sakha babu! But now I am not in situation to answer your queries. (She told in her heart)
Bondita told something in heart and it can’t reach to Anirudh? Impossible!
Aniruddha feels that Bondita broke her silence and her heart told something. He looks at Bondita. Their eyes meet.
Tapur- What do you two always talk with eyes? In London they also teach to read eyes? (She laughs)
Anirudh-Bondita comes out from their thoughts.
Thakuma- Tomorrow at 11 am your wedding date is going to be fixed. After wedding talk with eyes or heart…No one will care. (She too laughs)
Bondita- Thakuma… Can I go to my room? I am having headache.
Anirudh- Thakuma we should leave too. (He said looking at Bondita)
Bondita walks towards her room and her going shocked everyone but they think to give them time to solve their own misunderstandings.
Anirudh-Sampoorna leave.
Bondita us standing near her window, trying to blow her pains with the wind. Suddenly she feels that someone is near her door.
She gets alert… She slowly goes to door and opens the door.
The person who made her capable to keep her head up in crowd, is standing with his head down and folding hands.
Bondita- Sakha babu? (She holds his arms and takes him in her room) Sakha babu, what are you doing here now? (She says while closing the door)
Anirudh- Bondita I can bear everything but not your silence. I thought to give you time to make your heart out but I couldn’t. I am sorr…
(Bondita covers his lips)
Bondita- No sakha babu, never say sorry. I didn’t intend to hurt you. I was just shocked with sudden truth. I never thought from her point of view.
Anirudh- Bondita can we leave the topic? (He told by holding her hands) It was my past which I never want to remember. You were with me , you are with me and I want only you to be with me. I should have informed you earlier but…
Bondita- I don’t care about your that past sakha babu. I can just remember our memories from past… Those unforgettable memories. (She recalls her childhood)
Anirudh hugs her…. Bondita comes out from her memory and hugs him too.
Anirudh- You don’t know Bondita how much light I am feeling. Thank God you forgave me….(He breathes with relief)
Bondita- Forgiveness? (She broke their hug)....
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Much love..

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