𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 7: 𝒶 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁 𝒻𝒾𝒶𝓈𝒸𝑜

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Musa doesn't tell you what happened with Miss Dowling, but she looks at you with a smile, then you go to lunch with your friends in the canteen, you ask what lessons you'll have this afternoon.
«We have Mr Silva then we have Miss Dowling who replaces Mr Harvey» says Musa
"We have another hour with Miss Dowling?" you exclaim.
Musa is nodding her head.
You're now happy to have another lesson with her, but it doesn't reassure you to know the reasons for your feelings now, but you stay on guard because you're still afraid.
At the same time who will not fall under his charm, his long golden hairs, his sweet silhouette and then his eyes that look at you in Persian your soul.
Your time with Mr Harvey is going well, you then head to your other lesson with Miss Dowling.
She smiles at you and you smile back at her, now there's some kind of game between you as a dog and a cat, and it amuses you a lot and doesn't displease you.
"Can I go to the bathroom and wait for your class to start, please, Miss Dowling?"
"Of course," she said, smiling
Meanwhile, what's going on between you and her amuses him a lot too, she takes advantage of your absence to avoid your kit in the air.
You come back, you sit down, you start taking out your things but you can't find your kit, you look for five minutes before you ask Miss Dowling if she'd seen it.
"No sorry" she says while preventing from giggling
It's funny, I have the funny feeling that you had something to do with it," you say.
She takes your kit down and starts the class!
Today we will do a group work, 2 maximum.
You are going to work on the thoughts, try to get back into the comrade's head with you and he will have to stop you there»
It couldn't come at the best of times, you chase some thought as well as pain from your head.
You're looking at Musa But she went with Bloom.
All your friends are together, so you're alone.
Miss Dowling comes to you, "Are you alone?" she asks
"Yes" sigh you
"I will stand with you, you will not escape work like this," she says.
And then you freeze, you're happy to spend your last hour with her but the problem is that the exercise is about thoughts, you know you won't have the ability to stop it from getting into her head, you panic a little bit but you keep your cool.
"Do you want to start reading my mind?" says Dowling
"Yes, why not" you say
First of all, I'm not going to defend myself to see if you can get inside my head, and then I'm going to do spells in place to stop you.
Does it fit you?" explains Dowling
Your eyes light up, you get inside her head, it shows you one of your memories, on the benches where you had your first conversation.
"Perfect," she says.
"Now I'm going to defend myself, you're doing the same thing with so much will and strength."
You try but it was a fiasco, a little bit on it she explains to you what is wrong holding your hands
« It's okay, you can't do it all at once, it's already perfect that you get into my head the first time.
You are there for her to learn not to be on your own while you have great ability," she calmly says trying to reassure yourself
"I guess it's your turn to get in my head," you say.
You focus on chasing your thoughts.
"Hey, calm down, it's just an exercise," she says

You focus on her and your thoughts.
She gets in, but you lose control, so you don't know what she's seeing.
You feel that she's in your head with a definite purpose, looking for something.
You try to get her out of your mind, she felt it, but don't say anything and leave on her own.
"Okay, that's a good start, now you're going to try to stop me from getting into your head," she says.
She's troubled, her worry you don't know what she saw
You focus, she tries to get in and manages, but she doesn't stay long.
You think you go astray when you drown in her eyes, she notices it.
You quickly regain control and give body and soul to make her go away.
« All my congratulations, you succeeded.
Now we're swapping roles," she says.
You try to get in, but she doesn't stop you from getting in and then she shows you everything she saw in your head

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