𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 17: 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝓃𝓊𝓇𝓈𝑒

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"You'd better be in one piece for the rest of the day," says Farah worriedly.
"Don't worry" you say
"The nurse is not here this week, so you'll come to my office every day during your lunch break and I'll take care of it" Farah retorts worried but there's still a mischievous look in her eyes.
"You have to say that it's a good idea, you'd think I did it on purpose! You say with a laugh.
"Excuse me?!" Farah shouts
"It was a joke Farah..." you explain
You find Farah tense, you rarely see her worried like this.
"Why are you like this today" you ask
"Nothing, don't worry, I just don't like to see you hurt.
Now go back to your classroom and clean up the mess you made" she replies.
Before you leave, you grab Farah by the handle, and give her a soft kiss, which seems to comfort her by the colour of her cheeks.
You return to your classroom, Musa has already cleaned up, you apologise for interrupting the lesson.
The lesson continues until the bell rings.
"It's not too bad what you've got?" asks Musa.
"No, don't worry, I could have been careful too", you exclaim.
You then go and eat and take your reading break which you like to do during this long break.
You like it so much that you don't even realize you are late.
You run as fast as you can to your class, you only have one lesson this afternoon and it's with Miss Dowling.
"I'm sorry I'm late," you say as you look down, not knowing where to put yourself.
"Again! Do you think you can do one every month?" exclaims Farah.
"To tell the truth, I hadn't thought about it, you have to think about it" you say, looking for Farah, seeing that she too is having trouble finding her place.
"Because it makes you laugh too? Says Farah.
"I never said that I find it funny Headmistress" you retort, pressing the word headmistress
"Come and sit down and we'll talk about it later, you're wasting time on today's lesson!" explains Farah.
Throughout the lesson you give each other a few looks.
When the bell rings, she calls you to her desk.
She closes the door with her magic and starts the discussion.
"Did you think it was funny, your little show at the beginning of the lesson?" says Farah with a slight smile on her face.
"Yes, it made me laugh, to see that neither of us managed to get the right reaction" you explain with a laugh.
"Hmmm, is your bow too sore?" she asks.
"I don't remember until you remind me!" you retort
"By the way, why were you late?" she asks
"I was reading, and I didn't pay attention to the time" you answer
You finish your little chat with her before going outside to continue your reading until it's time to eat.
During your reading you see a new fairy that you had never seen before.
You see her walking towards the flats, her eyes looking down at the ground with a tired expression.
You stop your reading to go to Musa and ask her if she had seen her before.
"No, it must be a new one," Musa replies.
"You don't want us to go and see her, it's her first day in Alfea" you explain to Musa

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