𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 8: 𝒹𝑒𝒸𝓁𝒶𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃

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You can see that she has seen what you feared most.
She has seen how you see her, your feelings are growing towards her, but she has no reaction or emotions.
You leave as fast as you can get into her head.
She goes back to her office without saying anything to you, the bell rings again.
"Can you come and see me if you don't mind?" says a distraught Miss Dowling.
You don't answer, you're so afraid of what she might say or even think, you're ashamed to even have feelings for the headmistress.
"Wait, come back!" she exclaims
You run towards your room and lock yourself in the bathroom, you collapse in tears.
You feel like you've ruined everything, you tell yourself that she'll never speak to you again.
You hear a knock on the door, you think it's Musa so you open the door with your magic and curl up in a corner.
It's not Musa who's come in but Miss Dowling, you don't know it's her until she hugs you to comfort you.
You respond immediately, collapsing on top of her and crying.
"We can talk about it, you know," says Ms. Dowling wisely.
You don't respond except to tighten your arms around her.
You finally decide to speak after a while.
"Why talk about it, I already know that I don't have to feel anything about you, I know it's inappropriate but I've controlled that kind of thing I won't bother you, I apologize in advance for being so awkward," you said, crying.
"I can say what I think?" she said calmly
"Yes" sigh you
"I will never stand up to someone who feels feelings, I know it can't be controlled, you weren't awkward, you know, it's touching even," she calmly says
You're not sure you heard right, but you're not making a movie
She kisses you on the forehead before she leaves, you don't know whether to be reassured, you are lost.
You're so tired and you've been crying so much that your eyes are closing themselves.
You've bothered Miss Dowling a lot, but she feels that way.
The next day is Saturday so there is no class. You go to the library to decompress, the only problem she likes to read too, you smell her smell, you run fast to hide behind a shelf.
You wait except that you can't hear any more noise, you tell yourself that she's gone, you turn around and you're attacked by Miss Dowling who hugs you.
"Know I'm here if you need me," she says.
You don't understand what that means, but you're enjoying this moment with her.
You hear the door "what was that noise" lock exclaims you
"I just closed the door so no one comes in, don't worry," she says wisely.
She's so adorable, so beautiful, and her smell that invades your nostrils, you feel your body ignite

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