"Hey... Hey!" Mono said, crawling back onto his feet, he tossed his torch on the floor and grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him, "What's the matter, calm down!" for a split moment he saw that deep red glow in her eyes before it faded away and became nothing more than deep crimson.

Six blinked twice, "Sorry... I-I don't know what happened. Where?" She looked around in perplexion. "Where?"

"We just passed a room full of crawling hands." Mono looked at her worriedly, "Are you still with me, Six?" 

Six blinked again, "Yes the room, your-" She said, and paused for a moment, "Your arm!" she cried, "Are you alright!? Are you hurt?!" 

Mono was quiet for while then stretched his hand, "A bit." he admitted  "It just surprised me. That's all. Is the power cell still in one piece?"

Six drew back and fiddled in her pockets, growing more uneasy by the moment, but then she felt it in the front pocket of her raincoat, she pulled it out and examined it in the light, "It's good."

Mono heaved in a sigh of relief and picked up the torch, "Right," He said, shining back at the door from where they came from, he could feel something crawling up his spine as he thought about the animated hands, "That was unpleasant." He added, stretching his arm and pulling inwards and outwards to soothe the pain. Now that it was over, Mono shone the light of the torch around the room, it looked like they had ventured into an operating room as there in the middle stood a gigantic table covered with a sheet stained in puss, with surgical tools scattered all about it. Just above the table, a giant iron lamp with many lightbulbs hung from the ceiling. 

They wandered around the room, discovering more and more as they did. Something moved and Mono snapped his torch in that direction. A wheelchair stood there in the corner, and Mono nearly gasped as he saw the harrowing figure sitting in it. A crooked wooden mannequin with both arms bent backwards and legs replaced with pegleg. Its face was entirely wrapped in bloodstained bandages and it wore a threadbare patient robe. Mono looked at it nervously, did that thing just move right about now? He couldn't tell, he couldn't even trust it, not after what happened a few moments ago. 

"Mono..." Six whispered, "What are you doing? We need to get out of here..." 

Mono looked back at her, then back at that horrific thing. She's right, there's barely any light around here and he couldn't afford to waste the battery and get lost in the dark. "I'm coming." He whispered back, taking the light off the mannequin and starting to look for an exit. As he opened his mouth to say something to Six, that same unnerving sound came from the corner. Six made a small gasp and Mono shot the light of his torch once more on that spot. IT MOVED, IT DEFINITELY MOVED. The light quivered as Mono could no longer keep his hand steady, sweat beaded on his forehead and his breathing became laboured. The mannequin's hands now shot out inwards, as if it was trying to reach for something, and its head was now bent backwards. Mono heaved in a small breath a decided to try something, he flicked the switch of his torch off and enveloped the room in complete darkness. 

Violent trashing and clacking of wood bounded off the walls, making Mono turn the light back on in a panic. He almost screamed at the sight, the mannequin and left the wheelchair and was now standing on both feet, frozen stiff with its arms reaching for both him and Six. 

Mono turned to Six and told her in a trembling voice to take out her lighter and look for a way out, as this thing seemed to move only when darkness is present. She nodded nervously, and took out her lighter and went to look for a way out of this cursed room. He thought about using some of his energy to blast that thing to smithereens, but then again its limbs might actually come after him and didn't think he'd have much strength left to deal with those things. "Any time now, Six..." Mono said.

"I'm trying, I'm trying!" She said, pacing from one end of the room to the other. "There! I'll try to get it open!" Mono looked back and saw her pushing the door open by herself with the lighter sitting there on the floor by her side.

Mono drew backwards slowly, keeping his grip firm and the light steady. His back reached the door and he began to push it open with her. They were almost through when upon a sudden all the lights in the room came to life with a loud bang. They let out a gasp and stopped what they were doing. "What happened?!" Six cried.

"I don't know!" Mono said, turning off his torch. The mannequin stood there frozen and motionless. Moments later they heard rumbling coming from the other room where they were heading, slowly but surely the rumbling sound grew louder and louder, so loud that now they felt the ground shake below them. Without thinking Six grabbed Mono by the arm and ushered him across the room, skipping past the surgery table and hurrying to hide behind the small gaps of the shelves. The door at the far end of the room burst open and slammed against the wall violently. 

Mono snuck a peek from beyond the shelf, he didn't see anyone step through though... but then suddenly an old blackened puss-stained hand reached and held the upper doorframe from the other side, fat rolls of flesh came into view, heavy ragged breathing echoed around the room and with that came the sight of something truly grizzly. It wasn't a man and resembled nothing of those mangled creatures of the city. It grotesquely made its way to the room, squeezing its fleshy body through the doorframe and plunging its plump hands into the ceiling as it did, Mono couldn't fathom how it was capable of doing that with a fat body like this. it crawled against the ceiling and perched there handing from the giant lamp just above the surgical table. 

It let out a long growl and began to scout the room.

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