the end.

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Tommy sinks into purpleds side,they are surrounded by greenery. Leaves from trees growing overhead ,flowers seeping from the dirt. "I love you, you know that?" He doesn't get a response.Tommy giggles to himself.

Purpleds headstone stands strong, piles of flowers by its side,his headstone is gorgeous,a nice polished granite,with bold engravings that read.

             Boyfriend,friend and most importantly family
               'what goes around comes around'

                24th October 2005- 15 December 2022

Tommy feels like an idiot it's been a year since Purpled died,he would've been eighteen.Tommy regrets not being able to save him,it's not Tommys fault,far from,but Tommy can't help but that maybe it was.All Tommy can do is stare at the vines that are starting to make their way up the sides of the grave.

Tommy refuses to let himself cry,he's a killer,why is he getting emotional over death? it's his job.Oh how he misses Purpled so so much.There they go,the tears,dropping from his blue eyes onto his freckles covered face.

Tommy lets out a sigh and calls it a day, he slides his hands on his thighs to fist off the dirt that managed to get into his brown jeans.

Whenever Tommy goes to Purpleds grave it reminds him of two things.One his love is gone two, he hasn't caught the fuck that drove into purpleds car.Boy,will they regret doing that to his love.

you heard me this is the end!Sorry for spelling mistakes.

sorry if the ending seems rushed I was just really excited to start a new story!!!

Yes!I have decides on doing both oneshots and a story!The story is going to be inspired by  'tommyinnits clinic for supervillans ' it's on a03!

Words 293 extremely short!!!!!!

don't test me! //purpled X Tommyinnit mafia thingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora