is it kidnapping?maybe

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When Tommy woke up he didn't expect to be in purpleds car,but there he is, "goodmorning." Purpled says. "Why the fuck am I I'm your car?" " I don't like deo and he wasn't leaving so I left! " he explains, "and you took me with you?" " Yeah!Is it kidnapping?maybe but ill take you back if you want, ofcourse!" Tommy shrugs him off and turns to the window,whispering somethings along the lines of 'nah,it's fine.'

They drove in silence for a while until Purpled spoke up, "I'm going to practise with tubbo and Ranboo today,you want to go?" He invites, "yeah! " Tommy squeals,he didn't mean to sound that excited it just....Happened.Purpled smiles,a smile that hides so much adoration for the shorter boy infront of him, "alright tommy." He chuckles .

They arrive at this massive building,obviously they're not practicing in all of it, it's all separated all there's thousands of rooms in the building. "I practice in room 83B, which is then second floor.Tubbo and Ranboo should already be there." He tells Tommy, Tommy nods.

Tommy trails behind Purpled,like a lost dog trying to find his owner.Purpled is a very fast walker,tommy just realises this as he's nearly panting trying to catch up,yes the tommy who is known for great stamina. "Slow down!" He demands,purpled smirks then walks faster,tommy groans.Tommy pounces to purpled,trapping him in a big from behind, "Slow d-" he cuts himself off by taking a deep breathe, "down,there's no rush" he continues Purpled laughs, "yeah but it's funny!" He mocks, while getting out of Tommy grasp.Continuing his fast pace,smiling when he notices Tommy struggling to.catch up.

Tommy captures purpleds hand in his own,to try and keep to the same pace.Purpleds face gets covered in a pink shade,looking like a tomato,Tommy giggles at the thought. "What you laughing about,darling?" Purpled smirks ,it's Tommys turn to blush now,he covers his face with his free hand. "shut up." He mumbles.


Words 363

Really sorry for the short chapters this is a filler chapter I just wanted to get something out for u guys!Not proofread as usual

don't test me! //purpled X Tommyinnit mafia thingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon