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“Hey, Gunhee, remember me?” I.M asked, reaching for the human.
His throat clogged from the fear and pain shining in the other’s eyes. Gunhee whimpered, begging them to make the pain stop. I.M placed his hand upon Gunhee’s abdomen, ignoring the wetness of the blood pooling on his stomach.

“It’s okay if you don’t remember me. I just want you to know I can save you. Just—you just have to trust me. I just wanted you to know that—that I’m going to turn you, okay? I’m going to make you a vampire so you can live.”


I.M’s eyes widened at the rejection.

“No, I won’t. Don’t come near me,”

Gunhee growled. “Don’t you dare turn me. I’m not going to. I can’t. I have a family. My mom—I can’t.”

I.M understood. When he turned, he couldn’t associate with his family anymore. Years ago relations between vampire council and the human government had been at its worst in years. There had been a stupid law created stating that human families couldn’t associate with their vampire turned family members under any circumstances. Honestly, he never understood the rule back then.

A heavy sigh left his lips. He understood Gunhee’s concern. He imagined all humans knew the law existed. It served as a warning for humans to stay out of the world of vampires or they’d lose their families in the process. The law was no longer strongly enforced but being turned came with so many problems that humans couldn’t understand. Most of the time it was best to leave human families behind after the turning.

Jooheon’s eyes widened. “Gun, what are you talking about? How are you even going to be with your family if you die, you idiot? Please let I.M turn you. Become a vampire, figure out the family stuff later.”

“The ambulance is coming,” Gun said, tears streaming down his face. “Its—”

Jooheon narrowed his eyes, hands on Gunhee’s shoulder. “So that’s it? You want to leave us behind? Don’t you dare Song Gunhee. I won’t let you. You will become a vampire.”

“Hey, Jooheon,” Kihyun said. “Let it be his decision.”

Jooheon shot an icy glare at Kihyun. “Do you even know what you are saying? Why should it be his decision? His decision is to die. He can’t do this to us. He is like a brother to me, to Hyungwon hyung and I.”

Hyungwon looked at him, eyes filled with endless amounts of pain. He clenched his fist, enraged. The war was over but they were still fighting. I.M wondered when they would finally have peace. 

Hyungwon reached out, placing a gentle hand on Gunhee’s face. “Gunhee, please don’t leave us. Please let I.M turn you. You’ll be a part of a clan and have a new family. I know you are scared, Gun. I know you are worried about the transition. I'll be honest with you. The bite hurts for a bit but then after you’ll feel better. I promise. Please, Gun, please let I.M turn you. Please don’t leave us.”

“I said no!” Gunhee said, forehead drenched with sweat.

On either side the vampires swayed as they tried to keep using their ability. Gunhee grew quiet, eyes fluttering. I.M’s frown deepened. He nibbled at the bottom of his lips. It was obvious that Gunhee was struggling to stay awake.

I.M leaned forward. “Gunhee, let me help you, please.”

“I don’t want to be a vampire! I won’t turn!”

Jooheon’s attention drifted to him, brows furrowed. “Don’t listen to a word he is saying. Turn him right now.”

I.M noticed the fear shining from Jooheon’s eyes. He winced at the sensation of fear and pain seeping into their shared bond. I.M looked at Jooheon and Hyungwon seated near him. His eyes drifted toward the rest of his clan members and the Ahgase clan standing around them. He removed his hand from Gunhee’s abdomen. Gunhee’s eyes rolled into the back of his head just as I.M dug his fangs into the right side of his neck.

After several minutes, I.M moved away from Gunhee. He wiped excess blood from his lips with the back of his sleeve. The sound of an ambulance siren filled the air.

I.M emerged from the depths of the forest, exhausted emotionally and physically. His clan and the Ahgase clan followed closely behind. He noticed Boram, Chorong, and Hangil were nowhere to be found. He pushed aside the discovery and kept walking. He needed to distance himself from the council. 

“Hey, I.M.”

I.M slowed down at the sound of Jooheon’s voice. Jooheon walked beside him, hands stuffed in his pockets. He glanced at his fledgling before turning away, focusing on traveling to their next destination.

“Thank you,” Jooheon said, voice monotone. “If you didn’t turn him. I know he wouldn’t have made it.”

I.M. nodded and then spoke. “He didn’t want it.”

“I didn’t want it either,” Jooheon said. “But you turned me to save me and you did the same for Gunhee and Hyungwon hyung. Thank you again.”

I.M nodded, silently. Jooheon looked at him for a second and then walked over to Shownu. Shownu cradled Gunhee’s ’s lifeless form close to his chest. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Boram standing at the front entrance of the council building. It seemed like she was giving a speech to a large crowd. A sigh left his lips as he turned away from the scene unfolding several feet away. The last thing he cared about was whatever Boram had to say.

On his left, Hyungwon slipped his fingers into his left hand. He watched the action, perplexed. A sad smile showed up on Hyungwon’s face. I.M returned the same gesture.

“We will all be okay,” he said, voice filled with hope. “It’ll take time, but I just think we’ll be fine.”

 “Yeah. We will be.”

Hyungwon gave him a warm smile. I.M returned the gesture, giving Hyungwon’s hand a squeeze. His fledgling was right. They would be okay. He truly believed it.

Hi again!

Thanks for reading, commenting, and leaving votes.

I truly appreciate all the support.

Also, I wanted to let you all know we are getting really close to the very end of this fic. Just a few chapters left, perhaps 2 or 3. So yeah!

Thanks again


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