Trust Nothing

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Mr.L shivered uncontrollably as Blumiere carried him into the castle grounds, Marvin holding onto Timpani so she wouldn't blow away in the storm that was picking up. All of the windows had been shut tight; now there was almost no light outside at all. They all reached the main doors and Blumiere knocked, praying for someone to open the doors. Only a few moments later, Peach answered the door.

"Blumiere! You have returned? I'm so glad you're safe!" Peach said, "What happened to-"

"No time to explain," Blumiere stated, pushing his way inside, "Where is Mr.L's brother?"

"Mario?" Peach questioned, "He just returned; he and some men went and retrieved the king!"

"What?!" Blumiere and Marvin exclaimed.

"Where is he?!" Blumiere asked.

"Ummm... I don't know." Peach replied, "But Mario does. Come on, I'll take you to him and he can help all of us."

The four of them exchanged nervous glances before Blumiere nodded to her. Peach smiled in response and turned, starting down the halls. Almost all of the formerly empty rooms now seemed filled with both village folk and dignitaries alike, all of them stranded. Peach turned a corner and they all came face to Mario.

"You're all back!" Mario pointed out, "Wait, what happened to my brother?!"

Blumiere sighed and shook his head as he passed Mr.L into Mario's arms.

"There's not much time to explain..." Blumiere murmured.

Mr.L coughed as he tried to stand with his brother's help, and was failing.

"Dimentio... He... He accidentally cursed me..." Mr.L managed to say, "My heart is slowing down... I don't have much time, please, I need to find Dimentio..!"

Mario paused and looked at his brother with a blank expression before nodding.

"Right, I can take you to him." Mario replied, "The rest of you stay here. It would be better if fewer people came along."

Blumiere, Peach, and Marvin reluctantly nodded in response while Timpani remained quiet. Mario helped his brother up by slinging an arm over his shoulder and walking him down the hall, into a large room with a fireplace going. Mario helped sit Mr.L down and closed the door behind them. Mario walked back over and crouched by his brother, looking him over.

"How badly does it hurt?" Mario asked.

Mr.L grit his teeth and shook his head.

"It's grown VERY unpleasant... But the fire is helping..." Mr.L replied, "But bro, I know that you found Dimentio, I need to see him, he can heal me."

Mario sighed and shook his head, standing up and looking away from Mr.L.

"No, he can't. He said that he can't undo the curse on this land." Mario retorted.

Mr.L arched an eyebrow in confusion.

"What are you talking about? He can fix this! All of it!" Mr.L exclaimed.

Mario chuckled and shook his head again, earning a perplexed look from Mr.L.

"No, he can't. He has you brainwashed." Mario stated flatly.

Mr.L could practically feel his heart flatline at the accusation.

"You're not making sense, Mario." Mr.L spat.

"Am I not? You're a completely different person now, Luigi. You're not even Luigi anymore." Mario told him.

"I was FIVE when we last saw each other!" Mr.L retorted, his voice rising, "People GROW UP!"

A Cold Shadow (DimentioXMr.L[SPM AU])Where stories live. Discover now