A (Christmas) Miracle

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Dimentio tossed his mask aside and quickly rushed over, scooping Mr.L into his lap, holding him gently and close, as if afraid he might shatter him. Timpani silently fluttered over and watched as Dimentio desperately tried to revive Mr.L, not accepting that he lost.

"No, no, no, no, no, L, please STAY WITH ME!!! I can't do any of this on my own!!!" Dimentio sobbed, hardly able to keep himself from choking on tears, "You said that you'd be there with me through it all, L..!"

Dimentio broke into another round of sobs and everything seemed to freeze. The shadows around them all immediately began to retreat to where they were supposed to be and everywhere became lighter, allowing the stars and moon to shine down and give a little light, though the winds and black snow flurries continued at a slower pace. Blumiere and Marvin came running over to Timpani, skidding to a stop next to her.

"Are we too late?!" Marvin asked.

Dimentio didn't even hear them as he held Mr.L tight to his chest, though saddened by only hearing one heartbeat. Blumiere cautiously took a step forward towards Dimentio.

"Dimentio..." Blumiere started, "I don't know what more we can do....."

Dimentio shook his head and choked on tears as he took one of Mr.L's arms out of his sleeve. He pulled back the fabric to see a black mark on the man in green's chest where his heart was.

"L, please, stay with me! I can fix this! You wanted me to fix this!" Dimentio exclaimed.

Dimentio placed his hand over Mr.L's heart and started reciting every healing spell he was ever taught, desperate for any sign of life... but found none.

Dimentio let out a squeak as he held Mr.L close, his body limp against his.

"Oh L... If I knew that we'd only have so much time I would've been there more... I would've tried to see you more, even if I risked it....." Dimentio paused and took a deep breath, "I was never trying to ignore you all... I never wanted it to seem like I didn't care..... But I did that so you wouldn't get hurt by me..! Just look at what I did to you..... I ruined you......"

Dimentio paused and shook his head, choking on sobs as he tried to force a smile.

"I just wish that we could've spent more time together... Just the two of us and Marvin... Just like we used to when we were children, ah ha ha..." Dimentio murmured, "Life was so much simpler then..... Ah ha ha, where did our fun go..? Ah ha ha....."

Dimentio sighed as the smile on his face completely fell away.

"Please... I can't fix this on my own... I miss you, darling... ah ha ha....." Dimentio choked out.

Dimentio hugged Mr.L one last time as real tears fell down his face, falling onto the man in green's chest. All of them hung their heads in defeat, unable to see how they could possibly recover.

All of a sudden, Mr.L took in a sharp inhale of breath, breathing rapidly as he sat up with wide eyes. The black in Mr.L's hair and skin seemed to vanish almost instantly, color finally returning to his skin as Dimentio stared and held onto him.

"I-I'm... Alive?" Mr.L questioned, looking himself over.

Dimentio gasped and hugged Mr.L tight, floating upright to help him stand.

"L, YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" Dimentio exclaimed, tears staining his face.

Mr.L smiled wide and hugged Dimentio back.

"See? I told you that you could do it..." Mr.L murmured, "You just need to trust in yourself..."

Dimentio looked at Mr.L and nodded.

A Cold Shadow (DimentioXMr.L[SPM AU])Where stories live. Discover now