King of Shadows

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The wind howled fiercely throughout the kingdom, the blackened skies preventing any sunlight from leaking through the clouds. Up in the mountains, the temperature was well below freezing normally, but it was still mostly untouched by the shadowy veil.

Dimentio trudged up the snow-covered mountain, leaving stains of black in the snow his feet touched. His mask was back on his face, preventing him from levitating or any more magic that he feared would only cause more harm than good.

He knew that he messed up. He knew that everyone now hated him. He knew that he couldn't go back after the stunt he pulled; he might as well have been banished.

"So much for being king, heh..." Dimentio muttered, tears on his masked face freezing from the cold wind, "At least there's no one out here... No one to hurt... No one to talk to....."

Dimentio paused and glanced around the mountaintop. He stifled a sob and sank down to his knees, burying his legs in the few inches of now black snow.

~Start Music~

Dimentio took a shaky breath and looked up at the sky, imagining the heavens laughing down at his failure. He wiped the tears from his masked eyes and looked around at the blank landscape, just now noticing how quiet it really was. He was finally truly alone.

Dimentio: The snow glows white on the mountain tonight...

                    Not a footprint to be seen...

He stood up slowly, holding his sides.

Dimentio: A kingdom of isolation...

                   And it looks like I'm the king...

                   The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside...

                   Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried...

Dimentio started forward, holding one of his gloved hands up to his masked forehead.

Dimentio: Don't let them in, don't let them see.

                    Be the good boy you always have to be!

He held his hands out and looked over the black gloves covering them.

Dimentio: Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know...

He took off his mask and tossed it, watching it disappear in the snow flurry.

Dimentio: Well, now they know!

He laughed as he created sparks in his hands, watching the colors dance in the air.

Dimentio: Let it go, let it go!

                   Can't hold it back anymore!

Dimentio chuckled and rubbed his hands together, a smile on his face. He opened up his gloved hands and watched as a rainbow butterfly flew out.

Dimentio: Let it go, let it go!

                   Turn away and slam the door!

He laughed and twirled around, practically giddy.

Dimentio: I don't care what they're going to say!

                   Let the storm rage on!

A Cold Shadow (DimentioXMr.L[SPM AU])Where stories live. Discover now