Thank You For Reading!

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Thank you so, so, so much for being on this ride with me! I truly appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed what you read.

And so... what now?

There is a spin-off book called Nobody Like You that focuses on a new couple, with RJ and Chloe as prominent side characters. Do check it out! I am also planning a sequel book for Jon and Adrian. The timeline for posting that book is undetermined, so follow me for more updates!

If you are ever interested in deleted scenes of this story that I have either taken out or heavily modified from my first draft, I have uploaded them onto a short story collection on my profile titled When Love Last. (There's an extra smut scene there. It's not really good and that's why it's taken out lol.)

I also have a buuuunch of completed books up on my profile that I believe you would love too! Especially if you want more gxg stuff to read. The descriptions of them are in my bio.

Lastly, if you loved this book and would love to tip me for my work, I've linked my Ko-Fi in this in-line. If you subscribe to me, you will also get early access to my next writing project which I've begun to write. All proceeds will go directly into caffeine to help me write more. ;)

And that's all folks. Peace out. Love you all and have a great day.

If you're kind enough, I have some QUESTIONS FROM THE AUTHOR TO THE READERS.


1. Who was your favorite character?

2. Who was your least favorite character?

3. What was your favorite scene?

4. What was your least favorite scene?

5. What did you think of the ending?

6. What do you hope to see improved in the next draft?

7. What do you hope to see in the sequel?

8. Any other thoughts you would like to share?

[edit] 9. One more question: where did you find out about this book? Was it a recommendation on Wattpad? Were you following me or reading my other books? Did you find out about this on social media? I would love to find out!


ANNNNNNNDDDD I'm done. Love ya peeps. <3

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