chapter seven

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As if he'd noticed the tension, Evan tugged on (Y/N)'s hand, trying to pull her with him to the play-area. She broke her unnerving stare-off with William, flashing a smile at the child.

"I'll be off, then." She waved with a tight-lipped smile directed at her counterpart, following the blabbering baby along, out of the pair's sight. Silvery blue globes stalked the two for as long as they could, a small sense of fear swirling in them. But, there was nothing to be afraid of; it was his diner, and the person taking care of his child was also his employee and housemate. What wrong could she possibly do?

Of course, it wasn't her wrongs he was truly worried about.


Not surprisingly, Evan was an extremely active child! Despite his chubby build, he was running around the diner without a care in the world, not once stopping for a breather. His marshmallow cheeks were bright pink, a grin poking dimples into them. (Y/N) was left to scramble after him through the entire restaurant, a panting and sweaty mess. She wasn't complaining, no, this was the most exercise she'd gotten in months, but she was beginning to wear out. She was unsure of how long she could keep up the chase.

Using her last drops of energy, she lunged forwards, scooping Evan into her arms and letting out breathy laughs.

"Gotcha..." She wheezed, practically shuffling across the floors because her legs shook too violently from all that exertion to walk properly.

"Ball! Baaalll~lll!" Evan giggled cutely, huffing and puffing. He patted (Y/N)'s cheeks and pointed at the ball pit repeatedly, his message being understood immediately. She headed its way, analyzing it for potential hazards. It was a bit crowded right now, but they'd make do! Evan wanted to play in the ball pit and there was nothing stopping (Y/N) from giving him everything and anything he wanted.

Just at the edge, the woman jumped as high as she possibly could with a baby tucked under her arms, and dove head-first into the pit. She shoved the baby out first, surfacing a moment later and gasping for air. Laughing together, she released the child, allowing him to swim in the sea of colored, plastic balls by himself. She, on the other hand, stood up, realizing the ballpit must've been deep she was buried up to her mid-torso. Eyebrows raised in slight shock, she wondered if that meant that it'd be easy for smaller kids to drown in the pit. She glanced at Evan, who was sitting on top like he weighed nothing at all.

She'd test her theory out on other... kids? Huh? Where had they all gone? Their chatter and laughter had died out, but when? (Y/N) couldn't remember them all hopping out of the pit at once. Confused, she shrugged it off, reassuring herself that maybe the kids were thoughtful and wanted to give a grown lady and her tiny baby a bit of their own personal space.

An awkward sound of teeth scraping against something they shouldn't be caught her attention. Picking Evan up, she turned him around, finding him chomping on a blindingly yellow ball. She pried it out of his grip with a few nudges of the nose, chuckling.

"Lunch time it is!" She assumed, stepping out of the multi-coloured mess with Evan still in her grasp. It felt like she was holding a cat. Securing him onto her hip, they were off to the dining area!

First, they'd have to get through these halls that were always clogged with children. Although, right now, surprisingly, they weren't. It was eerily empty, as if it were full of kids a moment ago, but they'd emptied out as soon as the pair had strolled in. She could've sworn she'd heard echoes of shouts and giggles from here but... guess not. It didn't really matter, just felt a bit odd is all.

madwoman || william aftonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang