Dealing with Old Allies

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Today has been fairly normal for me so far. Wake up in a bear hug as usual,gat out of the bear hug, make up some hot coco for me and her and wake up the bear and hope to whatever god is out there I don't get drop kicked through a wall.

Just as we continued to wake up Rossiya kicked down our door and dragged us out by our collars.

"Why?" I asked her and she gave an answer in a timely manner.

"A meeting has been called for all high ranking Kansen on base that includes you two, and since I knocked 3 times and you didn't respond. Well you know what happened," she spoke as if we had been awake for hours.

Yenisey then spoke up, "Rossiya the reason why we didn't respond is because we just woke up." My sweet queen spoke, and at this Rossiya adopted a surprised face.

"Why were you still asleep it is a quarter past 10?" In which I looked at Yenisey and she looked at me and we responded at the same time.

"Because we are like bears." We stated, "We can be vicious in battle but good luck waking us up with out something bad happening." We spoke in our usual royal yet cold tone of voice. "Also we can walk ourselves you can drop us now." With Rossiya realized she was still dragging us, and let go. We then continued to the meeting room.

5 minutes later ...

We had just arrived at the meeting room and inside I could already plans being drawn up and burned immediately. As we entered the room everything paused for a split second before I spoke. "So what has caused for all of the major leaders on base to attend?" I asked then Hood spoke up.

"We have received an distress signal from two Royal Maids that we had sent to infiltrate Sakura Empire, form what we have been able to learn they have acquired something from Akagi and Kaga. However now they are pinned down on an island surrounded by a large Sakuran fleet and an Ironblood fleet." When Ironblood was brought up both me and Yenisey tensed, this didn't go unnoticed by Hood and Enterprise. Enterprise was the first to bring it up.

"Eiskonig you and Yenisey both tensed when we brought up Ironblood. Why?" I sighed I knew I could never hide what I am forever.

"I didn't tell you the entirety of my name, I am KMS Eiskonig of the Roon class heavy cruisers, as such I am the brother of the resident Ironblood yandere, as for why Yenisey tensed she is considered a sister or even a mother by some of the Ironblood ships." When I told those in the room a few almost flipped into a combat position but I stopped them before anything happened, "Calm down everyone I only serve Azur Lane not the hippocrates that make up Crimson Axis." With that they calmed down. Then Yenisey spoke up.

"So what is the plan we have so far?" She asked, and was meet with sighs.

"We have been going nowhere," said Hornet, just then I had an idea.

"Hornet your carrier looks just like Enterprise's right," she nodded, "well I just had an idea if we send two fleets a decoy fleet and a rescue fleet, with the decoy fleet engaging the Sakuran fleet with Hornet acting like The Grey Ghost will cause enough of a distraction to allow the rescue fleet to infiltrate the city and evac the maids, Me and Yenisey will provide CAS and air superiority though we will need as many Carriers as we can to assure Sky Borne supremacy." With the plan presented all of the leaders and those in the room gathered a look of though before Queen Elizabeth broke out of the trance and proclaimed loudly.

"That is a great idea, just what I should expect from the King of the North, though it has been many years since I heard of you operations!" To this the Royals in the room had a look of surprise, their monarch who is the epitome of being an entitled brat just complimented someone.

From The Ice *Completed*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt