3. The Date

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Kagami's POV

I can't wait!

Having a date at my favourite Cafe with Adrien. I can't wait, till the date.

The date is at 5:25pm In ten minutes. I'm all ready, wearing one of my favourite outfits. I took a shower before as-well. LaceyHeart cafe is a cute little cafe, with light pink walls inside with a soft type of style. I kind of miss Japan, but this place isn't that bad. It's okay, I guess. I feel a bit anxious about the date, I heard in this place people can get 'akumatized'. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I heard it means when someone becomes 'evil' when they have extreme negative feelings. I took my phone out, it's 5:18pm, I better get walking. I wore shoes, brought my pair of house keys and walked out the door and locking it afterwards. Then I start walking on the sidewalk. I wasn't to used to my new neighbourhood. I felt the 'butterflies' in my stomach. I was real anxious incase someone got 'akumatized' at the cafe or even near it. I also heard of a two heros called 'cat noir' and 'ladybug'. They apparently save people from the 'akumatized' person I guess, from what I heard. Then I saw it, LaceyHeart Cafe; hopefully I wasn't late for the date.

Once I arrived to the cafe, I saw Adrien sitting down at a table. I headed for the same table and sat down beside him. "Hi Adrien, I'm sorry if I was late" I apologized. "It's alright" Adrien replied; I wasn't late. I looked over and saw three girls who looked like they were my age. One had blue hair, one had blonde and the other one had brownish hair. They had a pin type of thing on their shirt that said 'VOLUNTEER'. They somewhat look a little bit familiar, I think I saw them somewhere before. They were smiling, almost looking like they were smiling at a evil plan. I doubt that, though.


The date went horrible, gum was stuck on my hair and shoe. I spend a hour just washing the gum off my hair. I am upset, very upset. I suspect the three volunteers did this. I mean, who else would..

The date. Was a disaster. Even Adrien, he was acting kind of weird. What, what happened here? A perfectly planned date, gone all wrong. I felt my heart, shatter into pieces, multiple pieces. A sad salty tear dropped down my eye, like a spider crawling down my face.


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