2. The 'Plan'

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Marinette's Point of View
It was time. I felt butterflies in my stomach but I had to, I just did. I went up to Chloe, it was time.

"Chloe, we need to talk" I said. "What. What do you want?" Chloe replied like she wasn't interested. "I need your help I-"
"Why would I help you" She interrupted. "B-because it's about the new girl, Kagami" I said shaking. "What about her?"
Chloe replied. "I hate her as much as you do. I-I despise her a lot like you. So I just thought.. maybe me, you and Alya can team up to uh get rid of her." I said. "I'm in, what's the plan?" Chloe said. "Follow me" I said. I started to walk up to Alya and I shouted "ALYAA" Alya looked at me with a smile across her face. We're good to go, we'll get rid of Kagami In in no time!

"We're going to my house" I said. They followed me, to my house. We went inside, took off our shoes. Then took off to my bedroom. We all sat on my bed, and I pulled out my notebook onto a certain page that was titled 'PLAN'  "Kagami and Adrien are going out to a cafe called 'LaceyHeart Cafe'. We will sabotage Kagami. Destroy their date and make Kagami look bad like she is." I explained. "How..?" Chloe asked. "Yeah, how though?" Alya asked. "LaceyHeart cafe accepts volunteers, we can call them and say that we want to volunteer." I answered. "Ooh~. The plan is starting to get good~." Alya said. "Then what? After we're volunteers what do we do?" Chloe said. I replied, "We all need a plan for that part, anyone have ideas? Let's just call LaceyHeart cafe to volunteer right now, then we'll think after actually." I took out my phone and searched up LaceyHeart cafe on the internet. Once I got my results I found the phone number listed on the bottom of a picture of LaceyHeart cafe. Then I clicked on the phone number and pressed the 'copy' option. I pasted the phone number on to the phone number dialling app. I pressed on call..

"Hello! This is LaceyHeart cafe, press one if you want help or need assistance. Press two if you want to volunteer and-"
I pressed on two and then I heard a woman's voice say "Hi! This is Mai Avelio, I'm so exuberant about you volunteering! What is your first and last name?" "Actually My friends want to volunteer aswell, my first name is Marinette and last is Dupain-Cheng. My friend's first name is Alya and their last name is Césaire. Then my other friend's first name is Chloe and last name is Bourgeois." "Okay, Thank you so much Marinette, Alya and Chloe for volunteering! We will be looking forward to see you!" Mai Avelio, the woman said.

"Now what?" Chloe said. "We called LaceyHeart cafe.." Alya said. "Hmm, any ideas?" I asked. There was awkward silence, as we were thinking about the plan. "What about; we stick gum on the sole of Kagami's shoe and her hair!" Chloe exclaimed. "We could do that." Alya replied. Then..

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