Chapter 4 - Part 1

Start from the beginning

In dire need of caffeine before inevitably tackling more mayhem, Jimin trudged across the foyer towards the farmhouse kitchen that held his beloved coffee machine, but a pitiful whimper rolled off his tongue the second he stepped inside.

'Sodding hell,' he spluttered, wafting a cloud of humid smoke from his aghast face as his eyes raked the anarchic spectacle before him.

The granite island dominating the centre of the kitchen was set for a dinner-party. Behind that, his flushed right-hand man donned a mint-green polo shirt and beige slacks, along with a chequered apron while he slaved over the Rangemaster.

It was total carnage. Five gas burner rings, all aflame beneath simmering pans, the griddle spitting grease into blistering yolks, golden bread springing from the toaster. Even the proving drawer hummed with life as it heated a mound of dishes.

Jimin's immaculate kitchen was no more. It now resembled a commercial canteen in the backstreets of Gangseo.

No, scrap that.

A 15th century Tudor galley run by head chef, Sir. Kim Seokjin, and his waif-thin assistant, A-Spoon-Full-of-Suga.

'Jin?' Jimin's voice was lost amidst the deafening extractor fans as he snaked around Suga who was wearing a back-to-front baseball cap and cutting toast. 'Hey, Jin!'


'Fuck's sake- Seokjin!'

'Jeepers creepers, Yoongi! I told you not to disturb me while handling the eggs!' Jin screeched as he whirled around yielding a spatula. 'Ah, it's you!'

'Yes, it's me.' Jimin forced aside the greasy utensil that was centimetres from his nose as Suga sniggered and arranged his triangular pieces inside a toast rack. 'Are you going to clean up? You're making a mess-'

'Huh?' Jin roared, his smooth skin drenched with perspiration as he cupped his pink ear. 'I can't hear you!'

'I said you're making a mess!'

'You want cress? Are you out of your mind, Jiminie?' Jin bellowed as he impatiently ushered his boss towards the steaming jug of coffee. 'Your poison is brewed, so get yourself a cup and take a seat! Yunhee and Hobi are awake! She took him upstairs an hour ago to help him shower, so I reckon they should be down for breakfast any mo-'

'Yunhee what?' Jimin bristled, banging the mug he intended to use onto the counter top.

'Use the shower,' Suga corrected as he deposited the crusted bread on the island. 'She showed him how to use it and then left to prepare a room for him.'

'Oh,' Jimin breathed, the flare in his nostrils dying down as he haphazardly poured himself a drink and placed his butt on a stool, 'that's alright, then.'

Resting his elbows on the glistening surface, Jimin begrudgingly sipped the hot liquid, his avid gaze trained on the door to see who would rock up first.

Jungkook and Namjoon were already sated and having the time of their lives right across the hall, and - according to his private chef - his partner in crime and her endearing pal were en route.

That left...

Jimin slammed his cup down for a second time. 'Where the hell is Tae?'

'Sleeping,' Suga answered as he slid onto a neighbouring chair with a plate full of mouth-watering nosh. 'And they say I'm bad.'

'Do they now?' Jimin replied, giving Suga a prudent once-over to make sure his hands and arms were inside the cockpit.

It's not that he didn't trust the man; Suga was level-headed, commendably savage with his honesty and - from what he could gather - exceptionally loyal to those that mattered. They were traits he saw in Jin and Namjoon every day. Traits that Jimin admired in a companion.

When Worlds Collide | PJM - KTH ✓ (Hahm Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now